3dsmax - Toolbar

3dsmax - Toolbar

The Maxwell plug-in creates a toolbar for quick access to certain plug-in features:

Maxwell Render toolbar

Open Maxwell Render Settings: sets Maxwell as current render engine and opens Render Setup window.

Vray to Maxwell Scene Converter: launches Vray to Maxwell scene converter window, so you can automatically converter most of Vray scenes features to Maxwell.

Export Referenced MXS file: export current scene or object selection to an MXS file.

Create Referenced MXS: browse for an MXS file and add it to the scene as an MXS reference.

Send job to Network: exports the scene and opens the Maxwell network job wizard to prepare it for network rendering.

Create a Maxwell Proxy: creates a new Maxwell Proxy object that references the selected object as an instance.

Create BIN Mesher Object:  prompts you to select a Realflow BIN particle file which will be used to create a RenderKit mesher node.

Create BIN Particle Object: prompts you to select a Realflow BIN particle file to be rendered using the particle procedural.

Create BIN Mesh Object:  prompts you to select a Realflow BIN mesh file which will be loaded at render time.

Focus To Selection: sets the focus plane of the currently selected camera to include the pivot point of the selected object.

Maxwell Light Panel: opens a compact list of all the lights in the scene used by Maxwell, except the lights included in referenced files (mxm or mxs). It lets you activate, deactivate, select and easily change light intensities.

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