V4 Faculty & Student license FAQ

V4 Faculty & Student license FAQ

1. Do you offer licenses of Maxwell Render for learning purposes?

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No, we don't offer Learning Edition licenses anymore. If you are a student or member of a faculty we provide Faculty licenses for instructors and educational institutions to be used in a teaching environment. Also Student licenses are also available for students currently enrolled in a course.

Faculty and Student licenses are not valid for government or commercial research, even within an educational institution.

2. How much Faculty & Student license cost?

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Please, contact us for getting a price tag.

3. What are the differences between Student licenses and full Maxwell Render Suite licenses?

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Student licenses are restricted to non-commercial use only, and are not valid for government or commercial research, even if this is being done within an educational institution. These annual licenses are Node Locked and have no technical restrictions; they function the same way as commercial Floating or Node Locked licenses.

4. Do Faculty and Student licenses have any technical restrictions?

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No, Faculty licenses are regular Floating licenses (no resolution restriction) but for non-commercial, learning and teaching purposes only.  The same applies to Student licenses, however they are Node Locked licenses and not Floating.

5. Can I upgrade my Faculty license for V1, V2 or V3 to a Faculty license for V4?

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There are no upgrade paths from previous educational licenses; please, contact us in order to get a quote.

6. How can I acquire Educational licenses for my school/university?

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Educational licenses are available and require partnership agreements with the educational institution or training center.  Please have an instructor/staff member contact education@nextlimit.com  Students are unable to acquire educational licenses directly - only instructors/staff members can request them for students.

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