Next Limit Portal - License Generator

Next Limit Portal - License Generator

At the Next Limit portal, you can check your personal account with us. There you will find your billing information, a log of all your purchases, licenses information, your upgrades or crossgrades options as well as the webshop where you can buy our products; also you can find all the installers and downloads you have available depending on your purchased products; additionally, you can create and follow your support cases from there. Basically, you have all the important things related to the products you acquired from our company.


The interface is quite self-explanatory, but here is a reference of the most important things you can find at the portal:



License Generation

After buying your licenses, you will find them under "My Products" > License Generator. If you go to Purchased / assigned products but you still have got some licenses pending to be generated, you will find this notification:



The process for collecting the licenses is quite easy and it goes like this:


First step

Choose the licenses you want to generate from the list and click "Next". You may have received temporary licenses so you can start using your product from the same day you bought until the day the payment is effective. Once the payment is confirmed you will find the permanent licenses in this same window (this depends on the payment method).



Second step

When you collect your licenses you can enable them to work on a virtual machine, which is sometimes useful for floating licenses if you don't want to use a physical computer for running the RLM server. This is optional and doesn't affect your license in anything else, but cannot be changed afterwards unless you get in contact with the support team. After choosing the option you want, just click "Next".



Third step

You should receive a confirmation message telling that everything went fine. Just click "Next". If something went wrong, please try again or open a case at the support section.



Fourth step

If everything went fine you will get another confirmation message and some instructions to activate your licenses depending on the products you own.



After this step, you will find your products' license key and information at the Purchased / assigned products section. With the license key and the email and password you can proceed to activate the licenses as explained in these sections depending on your license type:


Purchased / assigned products

In this section, you can find relevant information about your purchased products and your licenses (active, expired or old ones).

Also from this section, you can initially activate your license manually by assigning a particular host ID to a license (only if it doesn't have one assigned) by using the orange button to the right of the license item.

You can as well download the license file of an already activated license by using the green button that replaces the orange one once the license is activated.


Here is a screenshot of that section highlighting the most important areas:



Active Licenses

In this first group, you can find the active licenses that can be handled from the portal (Maxwell Render v3 and newer). It shows the following information:

  • Product name: the license gives access to this product.
  • Activation key: also called license key; it is a unique set of characters that represents a specific license. This is the one that has to be used in Maxwell's License Activator along with your portal's email and password to activate the license as explained here: Floating license activation or here: Node-Locked license activation.
  • Type: the license can be either Node Locked or Floating; you can learn more about them here: License types.
  • GUIs: this represents the part of the license that allows exporting the scene from the 3D application or Studio to Maxwell Render (it basically allows writing mxs files). 
  • Nodes: this represents the part of the license that allows rendering the scene either in Maxwell Render or the Network System (it basically allows generating mxi files from the mxs one).
  • Host ID: when the license is activated it is tied to a particular computer; this host ID is the MAC address of the first network card of the computer where the license is activated. It is automatically set by Maxwell's License Activator or it can be set manually. In this page, entry #7 you can learn different ways of finding your computer's host ID. If there's no host ID set, the license has not been activated yet.
  • Created on: this is the date when the license was generated.
  • Expiry date: the license will stop working on the day shown here unless the license is permanent.
  • Actions: using these buttons you can either assign the first host ID to your license (orange one) or download the already activated license file (green).


Product list

In this group are listed all the products you own (only Maxwell Render 3 or newer). You can have several licenses of the same product; all of them will show under the same product name.

  • Name: product name
  • Type: most commonly it will be "Software", but it can also be "Support", or different types of product that we can start selling in the future.
  • Units: number of licenses owned of that particular product.
  • Actions: this information button shows a list of each license details of that particular product such as license creation date, version of the product, the related software name, etc.


Expired and Unsupported Licenses

This group shows very similar information as the Active Licenses one, but it's reserved for expired licenses or old products licenses that cannot be managed from the portal anymore, such as Maxwell Render v1 or v2.






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