DY - Object Emission

DY - Object Emission

Dyverso's "Object" emitter provides three modes to create particles on an object's surface. Particles can be emitted from faces, vertices, or image maps.


The Dyverso "Object" emitter's parameters with an attached sphere.

Important Note

An object's polygon size plays an important role, because with small polygons it is necessary to increase the domain's "Resolution" value:

  • "Resolution" controls a particle's radius and with settings like 1 or 2, the distance between particles the particles is rather large.
  • In the worst case, a particle's radius is bigger than the size of the polygons and then you will hardly get any particles.
  • With higher "Resolution" settings the particles can be packed densely and then you will see an emission.
  • Values of 100, 500, or even more are sometimes necessary, but the final value depends on the object's polygon size.
  • In conjunction with vertex-based emission "Resolution" does not play any role.

Face Emission

This is the default mode. If you cannot see any particles read "Important Note. To restrict the emission to selected polygons go to DY_Emitter > Node Params > Object Emitter > Select Faces.

  • Draw a rectangle around the cube to select the polygons.
  • This action will also select hidden polygons. To avoid this choose Edit > Back culled selection.
  • Additional polygons can be added with the Shift + mouse drag.
  • To remove faces use Ctrl/Cmd + mouse drag.
  • Press "Select Faces" again to confirm your selection.

Here is an example from RealFlow's native sphere object and a back-culled polygon selection:



Vertex Emission

To activate this mode press DY_Emitter > Node Params > Object Emitter > Select Vertices.

  • With vertices, the domain's "Resolution" does not play an role.
  • The mode of operation to select vertices is exactly the same as described under "Face Emission" above.
  • Press "Select Vertices" again to confirm your selection.

Here is an example from RealFlow's native sphere object and a back-culled vertex selection:



Texture Emission

This mode is available under DY_Emitter > Node Params > Object Emitter > Speed:


  • Click on the small checker board icon.
  • A new dialogue opens where you can load a single grey-scale image map or even complete sequences.
  • The particles' speed is now controlled via "Min. value" and "Max. value" of the image dialogue.


If you want to see the emission mask

  • select to the emitter's attached object
  • go to Node Params > Texture > Load Texture
  • switch to one of RealFlow's shading modes with the 9 or 0 key.