DY - Emission Stop

One common question is how to stop the emission of new particles? There are several methods to do this.

Defining a Volume

 Some Dyverso emitters let you define a certain volume that is filled with particles:

  • Emitter node > Node Params > emitter-specific section (e.g. “Circle”) > Volume
  • “Sphere” and “Fill Object” have a built-in fill option.

Speed Animation

 The next method uses animation keys:

  • Emitter node > Node Params > emitter-specific section (e.g. “Circle”) > Speed
  • Move the timeline slider to the last frame where particles should be created, e.g. frame 49. Click on the small circle next to the parameter to set a key.
  • Move the timeline slider to the next frame, e.g. 50, and create another key.


Speed Expression 

If you work with an expression, you need two arguments: 0.0 and the emitter's current speed. By default, this is 2.0:

  • Right-click on the emitter's “Speed” parameter and choose “Open curve”. The “Curve Editor” is opened.
  • In the large field next to "+" enter: if(f>49,0.0,2.0)
  • This expression says that if the current frame is greater than 49 the “Speed” parameter will be set from 2.0 to 0.0.

Particle Limit

Another idea is to define a particle limit with

  • Domain node > Node Params > Particles > Max Particles
  • Just enter a number, e.g. 75000, and the emitter will stop to create new particles once this limit has been reached (in most cases you get a few more particles).