PM - Node

PM - Node

Here you can adjust which part of the fluid you want to mesh and if the mesh should be created at all.




When active the mesh will be created. Please set it to “No” during simulation, because meshing should always be a post process.


With “Yes”, a helper gizmo appears in RealFlow's viewport that can be positioned, scaled, and rotated. Only particles inside this box will be meshed. This feature is helpful for fast → interactive meshing.


The helper box's position in space is defined through X, Y, and Z components. RealFlow's → “Axis Setup” defines the vertical and horizontal axes. All values are given in metres. Click on “+” for parameter sliders. Alternatively, use the W key to move the box.


The helper box's rotation in space is defined through X, Y, and Z components. RealFlow's → “Axis Setup” defines the vertical and horizontal axes. All values are given in metres. Click on “+” for parameter sliders. Alternatively, use the E key to rotate the box.


The helper box's scale in space is defined through X, Y, and Z components. RealFlow's → “Axis Setup” defines the vertical and horizontal axes. All values are given in metres. Click on “+” for parameter sliders. Alternatively, use the R key to scale the box.


All settings made here do not have any effect on the viewport gizmo.

Parent to

You will rarely need this feature in conjunction with meshes, but it is possible to parent the mesh's viewport gizmo to another, moving node. The gizmo will then follow the parent object's motions.


Here you can specify a node's viewport colour. A click on the colour field opens your operating system's colour browser, a click on “+” shows → RGBA/HSV sliders.


It is possible to add node-specific notes here. Simply enter or copy/paste the text. With “+” you can expand the text field.


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