SolidWorks - Menu and Toolbar

SolidWorks - Menu and Toolbar

The plugin adds a new Maxwell item to the SolidWorks main menu:

It also adds a new Maxwell toolbar, which may be enabled by right-clicking in a toolbar area and enabling the Maxwell item.

The provided commands, which are available from either the menu or the toolbar, are separated into several groups:

Plugin Windows

The first group of commands are used to show/hide or dock/undock (from the SolidWorks Task Pane) the various plugin windows.   

Scene ManagerUn-dock or dock the Maxwell Scene Manager window.
Database ManagerUn-dock or dock the Maxwell Database Manager window.
Material EditorToggle visibility of the Material Editor.
Log ViewerToggle visibility of the Log Viewer.

Camera Tools

The plugin provides both an LCD-style camera readout, which is a floating window containing various camera controls, and a heads-up-display, which is drawn over the active SolidWorks viewport, and indicates the current values of various camera parameters.

Camera LCD Panel

Toggle visibility of the Camera LCD panel.

Camera Heads-Up Display

Toggle the Camera heads-up display.

MXS Export & Rendering

The commands in this group are used to export the model to Maxwell's format, either purely in memory in the case of Maxwell Fire, or to an MXS file, in order that the model might be edited in Maxwell Studio, or rendered in Maxwell Render.

Render SceneExport the model to an MXS file, and render that file in Maxwell Render.
Render RegionSelect a region to render in Region mode, export the model to an MXS file, and render that file in Maxwell Render.
Render Blow-upSelect a region to render in Blow-up mode, export the model to an MXS file, and render that file in Maxwell Render.
Export to MXSTExport the model to an MXS file, and open that file in Maxwell Studio.
Export MXS FileExport the model to an MXS file.
Maxwell FireUn-dock or dock the Maxwell Fire window in the SolidWorks Task Pane.

Scene Data Management

If desired, you can use the commands in this group to save the current state of the Maxwell Scene (i.e. all parameters contained in the Scene Manager) to a file, or to read a previously-saved state from disk.

Export Scene DataSave all Scene Manager parameters to an .sxl file for sharing or for later use.
Import Scene DataPrompts for the location of an .sxl file to import.

Animation Tools

There are two methods of working with animation in the plugin: automatic and manual.

Automatic Animation

Each of the following commands brings up an interactive dialog box which is used to animate the SolidWorks camera, or execute a Motion Study. To use them, click the desired command and follow the instructions you find in the dialog which is shown.

Zoom AnimationBring up the plugin’s Zoom animation dialog.
Turntable AnimationBring up the plugin’s Turntable animation dialog.
Motion Study AnimationBring up the plugin’s Motion Study animation dialog.

Manual Animation

Normally, MXS export is a one-shot operation: the model is exported to MXS, and the resulting MXS file is then rendered in Maxwell Render. However, using the tools in this group, it is possible to perform several exports in a row, and then to render them all as a sequence when you are finished. This is done using a frame counter variable which is reset whenever Begin Animation is called, and incremented each time an MXS is written after that call.

Begin AnimationSets up the animation loop, creates animation-output folders, and resets the frame counter. Until the animation loop is ended or cancelled, MXS output will be redirected to the animation folders, and Maxwell Render will not be started.
End AnimationEnds the current animation loop (if there is one), and renders any queued frames in Maxwell Render.
Cancel AnimationCancels the animation loop, if there is one in effect

Help & Info

This group contains commands for showing plugin or Maxwell Render help, and the plugin's About box.

Maxwell HelpShow either the plugin or the Maxwell Render PDF manual.
AboutShow the plugin's About box, which contains information about the currently-running version.