RealFlow integration
RealFlow integration
Courtesy of Lumiere Studios. www.lumierestudios.co.uk
Rendering fluids is a complex process and often requires very large computational resources. In today's cinematic and motion graphics industry, there's always a demand for higher resolution, more detail or larger fluid surfaces and volumes.
RealFlow™ provides excellent fluid simulations, and it can generate different outputs:
- A mesh .BIN file obtained from a particle simulation, and already meshed inside RealFlow™
- A particle .BIN file obtained from a particle simulation, to be meshed in render time (the mesh is generated in render time, so the scene file size remains small)
- An .SD mesh file obtained from a simulation of large bodies of water (sea, ocean, waves...) obtained with RealWave™
Maxwell Render includes the following extensions to handle the RealFlow output and convert them into a renderable entity:
Extension | Type | Input | Output |
Maxwell Particles | Particle loader | .BIN particles generated in RealFlow or particles generated in a 3D platform that supports it | Procedural spheres to render |
Maxwell Mesher | Particle loader Mesh loader | .BIN particles generated in RealFlow .BIN mesh produced by RealFlow .SD produced by RealWave + frame number | Triangle mesh to render |
Maxwell Cloner | Instancer | .BIN particles + an object existing in the scene | Instances of an object on each point of the BIN cloud |
RF Meshes | Geometry loader | .BIN mesh generated in RealFlow | Triangle mesh to render |
RW Meshes | Geometry loader | .SD produced by RealWave + frame number | Triangle mesh to render |
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