Modo - Instances, Replicators
Modo - Instances, Replicators
Modo Instance Mesh items are automatically converted into Maxwell instance objects.
During the export process plugin converts the elements of the replicator item to Maxwell instances.
From modo version 601 we do not need extra option for the replicator export because plugin can read the particle position/rotation/scale values directly form the modo SDK.
In 501 it was still not possible, so we had to find a workaround to be able to export replicator items.
The remaining part of this page is only for modo 501 users:
Export Mode
You can choose from two export mode:
- In precise mode the plugin converts the replicator with the help of the modo Replicator freeze option. The created instance objects follow the randomization, rotation, scale defined in the modo replicator item, and you can use all kind of replicator point sources available in modo (Mesh item, Surface Generator, 3rd party particle items, etc.). Modo Replicator freeze option can be very slow! If you are working with huge number of particles it can be better to choose fast export mode.
- In fast mode plugin uses its own function to convert the replicator item to Maxwell instances. It is much faster than precise mode, but the randomization of the resulted items doesn’t match exactly the original modo Replicator. (This mode can handle Mesh or Surface Generator point sources but not the 3rd party particle items.)
Replicator export can take a long time.
Maxwell - fast mode
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