Adding RealFlow Objects

Adding RealFlow Objects


Add this script to a "Batch Script" editor (F10) and execute it with Script > Run.

The script adds spheres with different resolutions and chains them along the positive X axis:

maxResolution = 6 # RealFlow's maximum value for spheres = 8

# Add a new sphere for every available resolution values and shift the new objects along the X axes
for i in range (1, maxResolution + 1):
	newSphere = scene.addSphere(i)
	newSphere.setParameter("Position", Vector.new(i - 1,0,0))


Add this script to a "Batch Script" editor (F10) and execute it with Script > Run.

The script adds cylinders with different number of segments and vertical subdivisions, and chains them along the positive X axis. Switch to viewport's grid mode with 8:

numOfCylinders       = 5
segmentMultiplicator = 10

# Add a new cylinder for different resolutions and shift the new objects along the X axes 
for i in range(1, numOfCylinders + 1):
	newCylinder = scene.addCylinder(i * segmentMultiplicator, i)
	newCylinder.setParameter("Position", Vector.new(i - 1,0,0))

Other Objects

Adding other objects (cube, torus, cross, capsule, etc.) works as shown above, but some objects do not offer settings for different resolutions:

  • scene.addCube()
  • scene.addCross()
  • scene.addRocket()

RealFlow's vase, on the other hand, requires three parameters:

  • scene.addVase(a,b,c)
    a = Number of segments
    b = Number of vertical subdivisions
    c = Size of the upper edge


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