PL - Deformation

PL - Deformation

By activating this option, parts of the mesh are deformed based on the particles’ speed information. Depending on the entered values it is possible to create structures which become thinner with growing particle velocity.



Speed stretching

When enabled, the particles' velocity information is used to deform the mesh.

Min str scale

This is the minimum amount of deformation. The value is a factor and ranges between 0.0 and 2.0.

Max str scale

This is the maximum amount of deformation. The value is a factor and ranges between 0.0 and 2.0.

Speed flattening

In nature, fast moving parts of a fluid become slightly oval and flattened because of air friction. “Speed flattening” mimics this effect.

Min flat scale

This value determines minimum amount of flattening. Valid settings are between 0.0 and 2.0.

Max flat scale

This value determines maximum amount of flattening. Valid settings are between 0.0 and 2.0.

Min speed

Particles with speed values smaller than the given threshold will not be stretched or flattened.

Max speed

Particles with speed values greater than the given threshold will not be stretched or flattened.

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