DyEmitters - Sphere

DyEmitters - Sphere

This is a 3-dimensional emitter. You can position (key), rotate (E), and scale (R) this emitter. The scale parameters are not linked and it is possible to create oval shapes.


Toggle the emitter's type with this drop-down menu. The following parameters and the viewport representation will be updated according to your selection. Bear in mind that type changes will change the emitter's and fluid's behaviour completely.


Here the particles' initial speed is defined in metres per second. Higher values will generate more particles per frame. Faster particles act with stronger forces on other particles or objects. The number of emitted particles also depends on the domain's “Resolution” settings. A value of 0.0 → stops the emission of particles.


Use this option to avoid patterns and regular structures by displacing the particles randomly at creation time.

Fill sphere

There are two options:

  • With “Yes”, the viewport gizmo's volume is filled with particles and “Speed” is set to 0.
  • With “No”, particles will be emitted from the sphere's surface with given “Speed” value.

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