Daemon Falloffs: Bounding Box

Daemon Falloffs: Bounding Box

Sometimes it is necessary to limit a daemon's scope to a certain volume like a bounding box or even an arbitrary object:

  • "Enable Falloff". Activate this option (not available for all daemons).
  • "Display falloff". Tick the option to see the bounding volume.
  • "Falloff bounds". Change the shape of the bounding volume.
  • "Falloff scale". Adjust the size of the bounding volume. With "Falloff bounds" set to "Object", scale is defined by the attached object.



By default, the forces become weaker towards the bounding volume's borders. If you want to keep the strength of the force constant over the entire volume set "Falloff percent" to 0.

Now, the daemon can be repositioned or rotated.


A bounded "Gravity" daemon with and without force falloff.

Displaying the Force Field

If you want to see the force distribution inside the bounding volume go to Display Force Field > Show field:

  • If the force arrows are too big change "Magnitude scale" to 0.1 or smaller.
  • The default size is 3 m x 3 m x 3 m. Change the size manually by entering new "Scale" values, or visually with "EDIT field box".


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