MultiServos - Break

MultiServos - Break

From the moment a MultiServo is broken, it stops working and no longer influences the object(s). The condition for a MultiServo to break is when a given distance or angle is exceeded. Regardless of its type, every servo can be broken by angle and distance. You can use this behaviour to break two servos between the same objects at the same time by setting the same breaking conditions for both. The "Break" parameters are the same for all MultiServo types.



Break if distance exceeded

The default setting is “No” . In this mode the MultiServo rig remains intact and working. “Yes” unlocks the “Break distance” parameter. When this parameter is reached or exceeded, the MultiServo connection will be released and stop working. Other rigid body properties (velocity, friction etc.) and connections (e.g. MultiJoints) are not affected when a servo becomes inactive.

Break distance

This parameter is only available when “Break if distance is exceeded” is set to “Yes”. It defines the distance at which a MultiServo breaks and becomes inactive. “Break distance” is measured in meters.

Break if angle exceeded

The mode of operation is exactly the same as with “Break if distance exceeded”, but here the decisive criteria is the angle between the target and the reference object. 

Break angle

When “Break if angle exceeded” is set to “Yes”, this parameter is active and you can specify the desired angle to break the MultiServo connection. This value is given in degrees.

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