HYM - Display

HYM - Display

It is often necessary to hide a mesh to have a look at the particles underneath because this helps to evaluate the accuracy of the mesh or simply makes other parts of the scene visible. The "Display" tab provides various settings to draw the mesh the way you want.





You can hide the mesh by changing this option from “Yes” to “No”.


A mesh can be dyed by choosing a new colour from the operating system’s colour selector.


If you want to see how the mesh fits the particle cloud, transparency is a very good method. By defining a certain amount of transparency you can easily evaluate the quality of your mesh. 0.0 means that the mesh is completely opaque, while 1.0 is the same as setting “Visible” to “No”.

Back face culling

This option makes it impossible to select polygons from invisible parts of the mesh.

Extension draft

When the mesh's extension feature is active you will see a grid (number of tiles in U and V direction), a square with a solid line (“@ Fall Off from”), and a square with a dashed line (“@ Fall Off to”). To hide these elements, choose “No”. You do not have to create a mesh to see this grid – it is enough to enable Boundaries > @ extension.