Cinema Objects

The plugin provides several Cinema objects, which are used to set up and manage export and rendering of the model in Maxwell:



The Scene object holds the parameters used to define a Maxwell scene; that is, it contains the values which will be written into the MXS files it produces. It also contains parameters used to determine how and where the Scene is to be rendered. You may create as many Scene objects as you wish. When you render with the plugin, you always do so using a Scene object – the commands for rendering are an integral part of the Scene's Attribute Manager interface. A Scene always exports in its own thread, allowing you to keep working in C4D while the export is running.

MXS Reference

The MXS Reference object allows external Maxwell MXS files to be inserted into an MXS at render-time. This is useful for keeping performance up and memory usage down during design-time, since the geometry in the MXS file need not be physically inserted into the current document.


This object produces a sea surface, using Next Limit RealFlow technology, at render time.

InstanceThe plugin provides a custom Instance object for use in creating scenes which use Maxwell's instancing system. The Instance object is as lightweight as possible, to enable the use of great numbers of them without slowing down C4D. Note: in Cinema 4D R11.5+, Cinema Instances which have the 'Render Instance' option enabled are treated much the same as this Maxwell Instance Object. As such, this object should be considered effectively, though not yet officially, deprecated.