ARCHICAD - Installation

ARCHICAD - Installation


To install Maxwell plugin for ARCHICAD run the installation package provided:

     the Windows installer maxwell_ARCHICAD_v4.0.0_WIN.exe


     the OSX installer maxwell_ARCHICAD_v4.0.0_OSX.pkg

The file name of the installer contains the version number of the plugin. Please use always the latest available version.

In the previous versions of the plugin, it was OK to just copy the plugin files into the ARCHICAD Add-Ons folder.

The new installer works differently. It copies the files into an arbitrary folder (it can copy into Add-Ons folder too, but we recommend to choose different folder), and in the last step the user has to make ARCHICAD (via Add-In Manager) to register the plugin files.

In case you still have older plugin files inside the ARCHICAD Add-Ons folder, please remove them!


Installation on Windows

After the Welcome screen of the installer click on the button Next

  1. Select Destination Locaton - browse for the destination location of the plugin. You can choose the default location, or you can select your own. Make sure you remember this folder because later you have to register the installed plugin files inside the ARCHICAD Add-On Manager.
  2. Select Components - select the plugin version according to your ARCHICAD version. You can install more versions if you want. In case Maxwell Render was not installed previously, or the installed Maxwell Render version is not the same as you have in the plugin installer, you have to install the included Maxwell package too otherwise the plugin won't run.
  3. Ready To Install - on this page you can re-check that everything was set properly for the installation. Click on the Install button to finalize the installation.
  4. Now the installer copies the files and starts the Maxwell Render installer in case it was a selected install component.
  5. There is a last step before you can use the plugin, please read the text below Last Step.....

Installation on Mac OS X

After the Introduction screen of the installer click on the button Continue

  1. plugin will be installed into the location Applications/Maxwell for ARCHICAD. Make sure you remember this folder because later you have to register the installed plugin files inside the ARCHICAD Add-On Manager.
  2. Installation Type - select the plugin version according to your ARCHICAD version. You can install more versions if you want. In case Maxwell Render was not installed previously, or the installed Maxwell Render version is not the same as you have in the plugin installer, you have to install the included Maxwell package too otherwise the plugin won't run.
  3. Now the installer copies the files and starts the Maxwell Render installer in case it was a selected install component.
  4. There is a last step before you can use the plugin, please read the text below Last Step.....


Last Step - Register the new plugin files inside ARCHICAD

The plugin files are on your computer, but ARCHICAD still can't see them. It is because you have to register the files for ARCHICAD.

In case during a previous install you already registered the files you can skip this step.


To register the plugin files please following these steps:

  1. Start ARCHICAD
  2. From the Options menu select Add-On Manager....
  3. Inside Add-On Manager click on the button Search for more Add-Ons....
  4. Navigate to the installed plugin folder and select the files Maxwell_AC21.gmx and MaxwellController_AC21.apx (on Windows) or the Maxwell_AC21 and MaxwellController_AC21 bundles (on OSX). The number at the end depends on the version of ARCHICAD you are using.
  5. Click OK to accept these add-on files.

Once installed properly, Maxwell Controller and Maxwell Rendering Engine will appear in the ARCHICAD Add-On manager.


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