Revit - The Maxwell Grass Options

Revit - The Maxwell Grass Options

The Grass Options

Any Revit object that has geometry can be assigned a grass modifier. To do this you start by pressing the Maxwell Grass button in the Maxwell Ribbon panel. This will launch a new window with the Maxwell Grass Options editor interface.

The newly opened window allows you to add and remove grass parameters from the Revit scene and also includes a reset button for convenience. If an object is selected when you press the Maxwell Grass button and it has grass parameters attached to it, the window will select the first grass parameter of the object in the list to the left. If the window is already open, pressing the Maxwell Grass button will bring the window to the front and update it to show the first grass parameter of the currently selected object in Revit.

To add a new set of grass parameters to the scene, you start by pressing the little button with a +. This will bring the Revit window to the front and wait for you to select an object on which to add grass. If at any time you want to cancel setting the grass parameters, you can press the Esc key. One object can have as many grass parameters as needed attached to it.

If you mistakenly added a set of grass parameters to an object or just wish to delete a particular set of grass parameters, you must select those parameters in the left side of the interface and press the button with the minus sign.

When created, the grass parameters will be initialized with a set of default values that you can restore by pressing the little button with an arrow on it. Initially the grass parameters will be named as "Grass x" where x is the current number of grass parameters on the object, if you wish to change this name, you can double click on the element you want to change in the list on the left and use the resulting text box to rename the grass parameters.

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