Manual Linking

Manual Linking

RealFlow | 3ds Max's multi-physics solver is capable of calculating interactions between different materials:

  • A RealFlow node's "Fluid Links" field is of particular importance, because it defines which scene elements will be able to interact, react on daemons, or collide with objects. 
  • There is a simple rule: Interacting scene elements have to be connected through their "Fluid Links" fields.

Example 1

In this example the two fluid containers, A and B, are able to interact with each other and both fluids are affected by a "Gravity" daemon:


Left: RFFluid_A | Centre: RFFluid B | Right: Gravity

Example 2

Let's keep the setup from above, but this time we add a "k Age" daemon that will only delete particles from "RFFluid_B":


A "k_Age" daemon is connected to RFFluid_B only.

Example 3

Of course, every fluid container needs its own emitter to create particles. "RFFluid"_A" is attached to "RFEmitter_A", B to B.



Left: RFEmitter_A | Right: RFEmitter_B
Emitters can only be attached to one fluid container!


Example 4

Now we also add a collision object to catch the particles. Collision objects are defined through a "RFCollider" World Space Modifier, which has to be aware of the two fluid containers as well:


Both "RFFluid_A" and "RFFluid_B" will interact with the object.

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