To edit an formZ  object's custom Maxwell Attributes and Modifiers, select an object with the Pick tool, highlight the Attributes tab, then select Maxwell Attributes... from the pulldown menu. (Shown above.)

Object Attributes

Custom Maxwell Attributes allows the user to set several additional rendering parameters for each object.  These options are useful for post-process compositing with other images.

To access the Maxwell attributes of a formZ object, select it with formZ’s Pick Tool. Then, under the Attributes tab in the Tool Options Palette, select Maxwell Attributes... from the pulldown menu. Currently, the attributes of only one object may be edited at a time (a formZ limitation).

Objects with the Render Boolean attribute enabled will clip the model if they are visible OR ghosted. To disable clipping, either 1) disable the object attribute, 2) make the object or object's layer invisible, or 3) disable the Render Booleans feature globally in Maxwell Display Options > Scene Tab or Fire Preferences.

See the Special object properties page for examples and more details.

Object Modifiers

Via this section, Object Modifiers may be applied to the selected object. A table of available modifiers follows. Multiple definitions may be applied to the same object.

Object ModifierDescription
GrassProcedural grass blades "grown" on object at render time
ScatterRandomly scatter objects on another object at render time
RoundoverRound or bevel the edges of an object at render time
Blocked EmittersHide object from the illumination of one or more lights or emitter materials