Versions Compared


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You can use any object with this emitter to fill it or create particles on its surface. Changes on position, rotation, or scale do not affect this emitter, because the creation of particles depends on the object you want to fill with particles. Objects meant to be filled require a → Volume" tag, but it can be used to refine the particle cloud. For more information on filling objects please go to → "Filling Objects 1I" (volume particle filling) and → "Filling Objects 2II" (surface particle layer).


To learn more about how to link RealFlow scene elements and make them interact take a look at the → "LinksManual Linking" page with examples.

Emitter Type


The effect of this option is based on an object's → "Volume Mode" settings. For more information on filling objects go to → "Filling Objects I":

  • With "Fill solid region" an object's inner area will be filled. 
  • "Fill non solid region" adds particles outside the volume.
