Splines - SVG (...) Spline Import

This feature opens a dialogue with options for the import of a SVG file:

  • The imported spline has exactly the same properties as a native RealFlow spline.
  • There are import tools for translating the spline into a → "DSpline" daemon, a Dyverso → "Spline" emitter", or a standard → "ESpline" particle emitter.
  • Workflow descriptions for importing and editing splines can be found under → “Spline Techniques”.



Here, the path to the external SCG is displayed.


This button opens a file browser where you can load a SVG file.

Center at origin

The spline's original position will be neglected and the node is placed at [0, 0, 0].

Pivot at center

When active RealFlow will recalculate the spline's pivot.

Parent to Null

Creates a null object as a parent for the spline. If the null is animated the spline will follow its motions.


If the SVG contains more than one spline it is a good idea to group them.


This option is used to connect multiple splines. When enabled RealFlow creates connections between the individual splines.


Choose the spline's 2D orientation: “XY”, “YZ”, or “XZ”.


Change the spline's size – the value acts as a multiplier.