MultiServos - Torques (Angular)

Here you can limit torques that will be developed by the MultiServo in order to accelerate or decelerate an object. The applied torques will not be higher than the values given in the appropriate parameters.



Max speed

This is the maximum relative speed between the linked objects that can be reached in order to approach the target position. This value is measured in metres per second.

Please ensure that your "Max speed" value is not lower than the target in your "Velocity Linear Servos", or else the target will never be achieved.

Max power

A servo can develop a certain amount of power to accelerate an object. You can define a maximum value here, given in Watts. 

Max torque

“Max torque” can be used to limit the torques between linked nodes when they are accelerated and measured in Newtons metres. 

Max brake power

An object cannot only be accelerated, but also decelerated. Here you can define the maximum brake power that can be applied by the Servo in order to slow down the object. As a power, this value is given in Watts. 

Max brake torque

This is the counterpart to “Max torque” and used to limit the maximum brake force that can act on an object. Like any other force, this one is also measured in Newtons metres. 

Damping torque

In reality, forces can be weakened because of many unspecific influences. With this parameter it is possible to mimic this effect and create more realistic and natural motion. Internally, the “Damping” value is simply multiplied by the object's relative speed. The unit for this parameter is Newton seconds. 

Use multiplier depending on distance

With “Yes” the following parameters will be unlocked and then it is possible to define multipliers for the maximum force and power depending on the distance between the two objects. You can create a curve with 6 control points (@ Max force at distance 0D – 5D). The distance (in RealFlow units) between the control points is given under “Distance step”. The mode of operation is very similar to MultiJoints' “@ Distance step (D)” and “@ Max force at 0D – 5D”. The value is given in metres.

@ Distance step (D)

For a function that depends on distance you need, of course, a distance step. This step represents the distance between two control points. This distance is constant for all control points and is measured in RealFlow units. 

@ Max torque at distance 0D – 5D

These are the control points of the distance function described above. The values can be used to describe a curve that will decrease the force with growing distance. You can also set a maximum at a specific distance. The curve is a linear function, meaning that the control points are connected through straight lines, not through curved segments, e.g. B-splines. A curve like that can easily be drawn on a sheet of paper to give a visual representation of the torque, the curve's run and the minimum and maximum values. 

Use multiplier depending on time

This parameter is connected to RealFlow's simulation time and unlocks the “@ Multiplier” parameter when set to “Yes”.

@ Multiplier

You can determine whether the forces and powers should decrease (< 1.0), stay constant (1.0) or increase (>1.0) the preceding simulation time. If you want to keep the torques and powers constant, we recommend setting “Use multiplier depending on time” to “No” instead of using a value of 1.0.

Animating the multiplier is equivalent to animating the four fields “Max torque”, “Max power”, “Max brake torque” and “Max brake power”. However, animating a single field is more convenient than animating the other four.