MultiServos - Creation (Angular)

This panel contains everything you need for a basic MultiServos setup. Here you can choose the objects that will be used to establish a setup and how they will be linked. The “Create/Recreate” button will finally create the MultiServo. Please keep in mind that only objects with rigid dynamics can be used with RealFlow'sMultiServos. The order in which nodes will be grouped in “Rigids A” or “Rigids B” is important and makes a difference, because the connection between the nodes is based on relative positions and also depends on the dynamics settings (active/passive).



Rigids A

Here you can specify the first node group. When you click on the parameter's input field, a node picker will be opened so you can select the desired objects. MultiServos support multi-selections, and you can choose any rigid body object. If you work with large amounts of objects, we recommend grouping the different nodes in RealFlow’s "Nodes window" and then using these groups as the values of the “Rigids A”, “Rigids B” and “Rigids C” fields. Only active rigid bodies can be used here.

Rigids B

The mode of operation is exactly the same as with “Rigids A”. “Rigids B” are different from “Rigids A” in that their local coordinate system is used to interpret the “Target” value(s) of the servo. The MultiServo will be created between each “Rigid A” and its closest “Rigid B”. Both active and passive rigid bodies can act as “Rigids A”.


You can choose between two different creation modes. “Create from nearest” uses the nodes from “Rigids A” and “Rigids B” and creates the MultiServo between Rigid A and its nearest node from “Rigids B”. As you can see from this description, it can make a huge difference which nodes are assigned to the A and B slots.

The second method is called “Create chain from roots” and it will create a whole chain of linked rigid bodies. This method requires a third object, specified under “Rigids C”. Since a MultiServo chain always consists of at least three different kinds of elements, it is important to know which node acts as the chain's root, connecting link(s) and terminal link:

  • “Rigids A” = terminal link

  • “Rigids B” = connecting link

  • “Rigids C” = root link

The node from “Rigids A” cannot be linked to more than one node; otherwise they would be connecting links. Another important thing to remember is the order of the nodes under “Rigids A” and “Rigids C”, because it makes a difference which node you want to use as root and end links. The reason is that targets are relative and therefore you have two possibilities. For example, in a chain of 5 nodes, the options are:

  • 1 => 2 => 3 => 4 => 5

  • 1 <= 2 <= 3 <= 4 <= 5

In the first example above, the root is node 1 (“Rigids A”) and the terminal link is object 5 (“Rigid B”). In the second case it is vice versa. In “Create chain from roots” mode, the nodes under “Rigids B” must be set to “Active rigid body” (or “Passive” must be set “No”) to make the chain work.

Rigids C

This parameter works only with “Create chain from roots” from the “Mode” option. The mode of operation is exactly the same as with “Rigids A” and “Rigids B”. The nodes, entered here, will act as the chain's root link, and they will set the coordinate system for the “Rigid B” connected to it. Both active and passive rigid bodies can act as “Rigids C”.

Blocked X | Y | Z

Blocking is a method of defining and limiting the MultiServo's degrees of freedom and theparameter's “Yes” option means that a motion must be performed in any case, no matter which other influences you have in your scene.

Disable collision by pairs

By default (“No”), the solver takes collisions between the connected body pairs into consideration. If you want to disable this feature, please choose “Yes”. 


When you press this button, the MultiServos between the nodes under “Rigids A”, “Rigids B” and “Rigids C” will be established or updated. The asterisk (*) can only be seen when it is necessary to recreate the MultiServo.