Prefs - Job Manager

Job Manager Plugins

Select Simulation Plugin... | Select Preview Plugin...

RealFlow provides two standard plugins for sharing simulation and preview jobs via a network. They only have to be specified once, but can be replaced through custom plugins at any time. The plugins' names appear under “Simulation:” and “Preview:”.

Manager Location

This is the IP address of the computer with the → “Job Manager” application running.


This is the → “Job Manager” application's communication port. It must not be blocked by Firewalls or other programs.

Apply Path Translation Rules
Path Translation Rules...

A click on this button opens a new window where different network locations are defined. Please take a look at → “Preferences - Job Manager: Path Translation Rules” for a detailed description.

Delete temporary files if success

When active the "Job Manager" automatically deletes all temporary files that were create during the network simulation process.

Web Interface

The → “Job Manager” application provides a → web interface for monitoring your network simulation jobs. Here, the IP from the “Manager Location” field has to be added followed by “:8080”, e.g.:

Always add the “http:// prefix!