Commands Manager (CM)

In RealFlow, a command is function, tool, node, script, graph or feature you can access via the UI. With this tool, available from the "Tools" shelf, you are able to organize commands, add new ones, and edit them.




Here you are able to search the commands list: add a few characters and the results will be refined in realtime. With the “Filters...” button it is possible to define which elements you will see, e.g. Python scripts or graphs.

Class Id

Every command has its own Id to make it identifiable. When a new custom command is added you have to define an Id as well.


Commands can be built-in, embedded, or referenced (= linked external file).


This column contains the commands name and – if available – icon.


When you double click on a command you will see a new window where it is possible to add and change key combinations. Alternatively, use the → “Shortcut Editor”.

File Path

This is the location of external commands (script or graph files).


If you want to add new commands please read the → “Commands Manager - Adding Commands” chapter.


Commands can be customized. Please read the → “Commands Manager - Editing Commands” chapter.


If you want to remove a custom command click on this button

Export | Import

The commands list can be saved to a XML file for backup or exchange purposes. A self-explaining dialogue provides export options. With “Import”, the XML file can be read to restore the shortcuts.

Shelves Manager

If you want to add your commands to RealFlow's → “Shelves” and attach them to the UI click on this button.


Once you have finished your changes close the editor with this button.