Modo plugin - Maxwell Extension Object


With the Maxwell Extension Object item you can place Maxwell geometry extensions into the modo scene.

Maxwell Extension Object is not just a simple placeholder item but real modo geometry item. It means in case the extension contains geometrical data the plugin passes this geometry information to modo, so you can render, view or edit these items as other modo procedural geometry items.

Use our Maxwell sea, RealFlow and other extensions to improve not just your Maxwell scenes but also your modo scenes.

Some extensions don't contain geometry information (for example Maxwell Volumetric) in this case the plugin displays only the bounding box and particle vertices (if any).


Extension items can be transferred to Maxwell with very low memory consumption and because we do not transfer the geometry it is super fast.

Maxwell sea geometry inside the modo viewport

The plugin generates modo geometry for Maxwell extensions only for users with full Maxwell license.  


Maxwell Extension Object has only one permanent parameter, the other parameters are dynamically built according to the actual extension type. You can read more about Maxwell extensions in the MAXWELL MANUAL: Extensions.


 From the drop-down list you can select the appropriate extension from the available extension.