

Close your Cinema 4D application. Double-click on the RealFlow | Cinema 4D package. Follow the dialogue, choose the destination drive and activate the Cinema version on which you want the plugin to be installed.

After the installation, start Cinema 4D. The plugin appears under “RealFlow” in Cinema 4D's main menu.

When you run Cinema on an Apple Silicon computer (M series), all the plugins have to be also ready for that type of processors. To be able to see our plugin, you have to run Cinema using Rosetta so the plugin is available from inside Cinema. In order to do so, you only have to right-click on the Cinema icon, choose “Get Info” and then mark the checkbox to “Open using Rosetta” (it is explained here by Apple: If you need to install Rosetta on Mac - Apple Support).

The next time you launch Cinema the plugin will be visible.


If you have not licensed the plugin yet, it will launch the License Activator so you can easily do so. The process is explained here in detail: macOS Licensing.