Node Locked : Windows
Node Locked : Windows
After the → installation open RealFlow | Cinema 4D and the "License Activator" will pop up if RealFlow | Cinema 4D has not been licensed yet.
- This guide is for Node Locked licenses only.
- An internet connection is required
- Firewalls may block the license activation.
The "License Activator" provides two options:
I have a license key
Choose this option if you have an activation key. The key can be found in your confirmation email from Next Limit. If you did not receive this email please check your spam folder or contact us.
- Enter your email/password you use for the customer gateway, then the license key from the customer gateway.
- The "License Activator" will connect to our servers and validate your license, after which it will store the file under
- Restart RealFlow | Cinema 4D to make sure that it is properly licensed.
I want to try the demo
- Simply choose "Next" for all the subsequent windows that appear, and finally click "Activate". This will create a LIC file in
- If you later purchase a license, make sure to first delete this demo license file before running the "License Activator".
- For a list with error message visit → "Node Locked : Troubleshooting"
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