Floating : Troubleshooting

Floating : Troubleshooting

There are many reasons why the licensing process can fail and therefore we want to give you a few tips for when this happens.

RLM keeps telling me that the license type is wrong

In this case it is very likely that you are trying to use a node-locked license with the RLM. Please bear in mind that node-locked licenses do not require an installation of the RLM server. Please follow the standard procedure for node-locked licenses under → "Node Locked : OS X" or → "Node Locked : Windows".

I cannot access the RLM web interface

There are two standard addresses for the RLM web interface. They can be entered into the address field of your favourite browser:

  • http://localhost:5054 (only valid for the computer with the RLM installed and running)

  • http://ip_of_computer_with_RLM_installed:5054

If you get an empty page or a message that it is not possible to establish a connection,check that

  • the RLM application is running

  • ports 5053 and 5054 are not blocked by another application

  • a firewall is not preventing access to the RLM server and its web interface

  • you have entered the correct IP address and/or port

  • the computer with the RLM installation is connected to the requesting machine when you are in a network.

If you are trying to access the RLM web interface via a remote machine please ping the computer with the RLM. Open a terminal window and enter:

> ping ip_of_computer_with_RLM_installed -n 4

The “-n 4” flag is optional and determines the number of ping requests. If the computer is not accessible please check your network connection.

I own a floating license, and at least two computers in a network. The RLM is running, but RealFlow | Cinema 4D is still unlicensed

Here you have to differentiate between the client and the computer with the RLM. On the computer with the RLM installed, the license and nextlimit.set files have to be stored here:



/Applications/MAXON/Cinema RXX/plugins/nextlimit/RealFlow/rlm

WindowsC:\Program Files\Next Limit\RealFlow Cinema4D 1\rlm


If RealFlow | Cinema 4D is running on a client machine it has to "know" where the RLM server is located in your network as shown in the image above. To establish the connection you can

  • store a file on every client, called "host.lic" in the "realflow" folder in your user account's home directory (see table below). This file requires a single entry: 
    HOST ip_of_computer_with_RLM_installed ANY 5053

The host.lic (see → "Floating : OS X" or  "Floating : Windows" ) file has to be installed on all computers you want to use:

OS X/Users/<username>/Documents/realflow_cinema4d/license




Open the RLM's web interface in browser with http://ip_of_computer_with_RLM_installed:5053 and restart the server.

Check the LIC files's extension

One possible reason the licensing process fails is that the LIC file has an additional TXT or RTF extension. This happens when file extensions are hidden by default. To check this, please go to your operating system's preferences and make the extensions visible. If there is an extension different from .lic, for example realflow.lic.txt, remove the extra suffix.

The “rlm” folder is read/write-protected

Sometimes it also happens that RealFlow | Cinema 4D does not have sufficient rights to access the LIC file. In this case please activate the appropriate permissions. Windows users should also check that RealFlow's installer is executed with administrator rights: right-click on the installer and enable “Run as Administrator”.

RealFlow | Cinema 4D or the the RLM are blocked by a firewall

In networks, firewalls often prevent programs from communicating with other services or computers.

Check if the floating license has been installed properly

When you open the RLM's web interface, and click on the “Status” button you should see three tables. In the first table, the “license file” row must show the current RealFlow | Cinema 4D license. The third table is named “ISV Servers” and there should be a row starting with “nextlimit”. If these two entries are empty or invisible your license files has not been installed correctly. Please repeat the licensing process and check that the license files has been stored in correct directories.

If you can see the “nextlimit” row click on the “nextlimit” button under “Server Status”. Please look for “License pool status” and check whether your license is added to the table. The “usage” button will show you which machines are connected and using the license.

A single floating license can only be used by one concurrent computer. If the license is in use already you will not be able to run an instance of RealFlow | Cinema 4D on another machine.

The RLM cannot bind to port 5053

When you get this message port 5053 is most probably used by another instance of RLM already. In this case, please read the  "Floating : RLM" chapter.

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