Drag : Daemon Drag

Drag : Daemon Drag

This daemon simulates external air drag forces that slow down faster particles.

Linked Fluids

All fluid containers inside the drag-and-drop field will be affected by the daemon. The first fluid container in the scene is linked automatically, others have to be attached manually.

Drag strength

This values typically ranges between 0 and 1, but can also accept higher settings. High settings can force particles and bodies to stop completely. With high values we recommend to use a bounded daemon.

Shield Effect

With “Yes” it is possible to create a shield-like effect, similar to high air-resistance, where the leading particles are decelerated.

Shield Inverse

Instead of slowing down the leading particles, they are accelerated when the option is set to “Yes”.

Force Limit

This setting accepts any positive or negative value and is used to restrict the daemon's maximum strength.

Bounded type

You can choose from these two types:

  • “Square” applies a box at the daemon's centre.
  • “Sphere” applies a sphere at the daemon's centre.

Both options unlock the daemon’s ability to create an attenuated force field. You can also change the shape’s size with the "Object" parameters or Cinema 4D's scale tools and parameters.


This option create a fall-off depending on the distance to the force’s origin. You can choose from “Linear”, “Square” and “Cubic”, while “Cubic” creates the fastest fall-off.

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