Vortex : Daemon Vortex

Vortex : Daemon Vortex

"Vortex" creates a force field around the daemon's centre and along its vertical axis. Both forces can be adjusted independently. The closer the particles are to the axis, the faster the rotational motion will be.

Linked Fluids

All fluid containers inside the drag-and-drop field will be affected by the daemon. The first fluid container in the scene is linked automatically, others have to be attached manually.


There are two options:

  • "Force" accelerates the particles and they become faster and faster as long as the force is acting on them. 
  • “Velocity” only works with particles and adds the daemon's "Strength" value to a particles speed. The resulting peak velocity remains constant during the simulation.
    An example: Let's assume the daemon's "Strength" is 9.8 and the emitter's "Speed" value is 2.0. Here, a particle's velocity will be roughly 11.8 m/s.
Rot Strength

This is the strength of the rotational force around the daemon’s centre axis. “Rot Strength” accepts positive (clockwise) and negative (counter-clockwise) values.

Central Strength

The centre axis can create an attraction (positive) or repulsion (negative) force.


You can choose from three fall-off types: “Linear”, “Squared” and “Cubic”. The fastest attenuation is achieved with “Cubic”.


With “Yes” the "Vortex" daemon is displayed with a stack of three rings around the axis. The radius ("Boundary") of these rings determines the zone of influence.


Here the radius of the zone of influence is adjusted.

Vortex Type

“Classic” creates a homogeneous force field, where the fall-off obeys the adjusted “Attenuation”. With “Complex” the forces reach their peak strength at a given distance (= “Radius”) from the centre. This distance is displayed as a dashed circle line around the centre.


To use this setting,”Vortex Type” must be set to “Complex”. “Radius” determines the distance from the vortex centre where the forces reach their maximum.

Bound Sup

This is the upper limit of the vortex.

Bound Inf

This is the lower limit of the vortex.

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