The plug-in offers several ways of illuminating your scene:

MxLight object

The MxLight object generates the required geometry and material to produce an emitting object and supports the same emitter types as the emitting component of the material: Area, IES and Spot

You can create the MxLight object from the Create → Lights → Maxwell section.

Or using the "Create Maxwell Light" button from the toolbar:

By default, the MxLight is generated with a target an is created by dragging from the emitting object to the target. However, if you disable target checkbox before creating it, you will be able to create the area type by dragging from one corner of the rectangle to the other and in the case of IES or Spot, just by clicking once in the viewport.

Creation method with and without a target

All the types have these common options:

Demonstration of how using a Ghost BSDF affects MxLight object's shadow and visibility

Examples of how the Hidden to Camera and Hidden to Refl/Refr affect the look of the MxLight

The so-called "Ghost BSDF" can also be created in a normal material. It's a normal BSDF with Transmittance set fully white (255,255,255) and Nd = 1. It renders as air and the rays don't refract when traveling through it, so it's very fast. Click on the thumbnail to see an example:

Light types

The different types will show different gizmos in the viewport:

Area Type

Different Emission modes for Area type

IES Type

IES type options

Spot Type

Spot type options

You can find more information about how Spots work in Maxwell on this page: Spot emitters

Select and Manipulate Mode

All the types allow for some extra controls when you activate "Select and Manipulate" button in 3dsmax.

Depending on the gizmo you can resize, rotate, change the spot angles or modify the intensity of the light. For example, in the Area type, you can resize the plane by dragging from its borders; in the case of the Spot type, you can change the cone or fall-off angles by dragging from the base of the cones.

Different options in Select and Manipulate mode

Intensity handle

The intensity handle allows modifying the intensity of the light just by dragging the small box along the light's axis. The small blue dot represents 0 intensity; by default, the manipulator will show 1m away from the blue dot; this represents 10000 lumens. The light changes quadratically to make it easier to select either low or high intensities.

This graphic shows how the light intensity grows quadratically with the distance

Additionally, the color of the intensity handle changes with the color of the light in order to give an idea of how the light will look like.

Maxwell Light Panel

Maxwell Light Panel provides a compact list of all the lights that affect Maxwell with the exception of emitters included in referenced scenes or referenced materials. So it will list first the environment lights (Environment), then the lights based on emitters (Material Lights) and then all the MxLights (Maxwell Lights)

It allows adjusting the light intensities by using the spinners, selecting the material or MxLight and disabling the lights.