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Comment: Migrated to Confluence 5.3




 This option allows users to texture an emitter with a MXI / HDR / EXR image. Low dynamic range image (such as jpeg) can also be used by converting it from 8 bits to 32 bits. See the HDR Image chapter in the Maxell Render manual for more information about this feature.


The plug-in translates Houdini’s hlight node to Maxwell Render with creating the appropriate geometry and applying an emitter material to it. The valuable used parameters are summarized in the following tabletables:

Houdini hlight nodeMaxwell light geometry
Type: pointSphere with radius of 0.05
Houdini hlight nodeMaxwell light geometry
Type: lineRectangle with width of 0.05
Area Size XHeight
Houdini hlight nodeMaxwell light geometry
Type: gridRectangle
Area SizeSize
Single SidedSingle / double sided surface
Reverse Emission DirectionSurface normals when single sided
Houdini hlight nodeMaxwell light geometry
Type: diskDisk
Area SizeSize
Single SidedSingle / double sided surface
Reverse Emission DirectionSurface normals when single sided
Houdini hlight nodeMaxwell light geometry
Type: sphereSphere
Area Size XRadius X, Z
Area Size YRadius Y
Houdini hlight nodeMaxwell light geometry
Type: geometryEmitter is assigned to the given object, when it is translated to Maxwell.
Render Light GeometryHidden from Camera, Hidden from Reflections / Refractions


The emitter is generated from the following parameters:

Emitter , -          -          -          -         
Houdini hlight nodeMaxwell
emitter material
Light ColorColor

Light Intensity

Normalize Light Intensity To Area

Intensity translated linearly in the following intervals:

[0 ; 0.1] -> [0 ; 10^4]

[0.1 ; 1] -> [10^4 ; 10^5]

[1 ; 10] -> [10^5 ; 10^7]

Set as Luminous Intensity (Candela) for:

  • point or line type
  • rectangle or disk type when Normalize Light Intensity To Area is turned on

Set as Luminance for:

  • sphere or geometry type
  • rectangle or disk type when Normalize Light Intensity To Area is turned off


Spot light

If the Enable Spot Light option is checked, the plug-in generates a cone with an emitting object inside, depending on the type of the light (Point light has a little sphere, Disk light has a disk, etc.). The angle of the cone is defined by the Cone Angle parameter, the penumbra angle is translated from the Cone Delta parameter. An emitter material is generated as described above and applied only on the object inside the cone. A diffuse grey material is applied on the occluder cone.