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The objects tab defines which geometries and lights are translated to Maxwell from the scene. The fields are similar to the Mantra renderer.

  • Candidate Objects: geometry objects in this parameter will be translated to Maxwell Render if their display flags are turned on.
  • Force Objects: geometry objects in this parameter will be translated to Maxwell Render regardless of the state of their display flag.
  • Exclude Objects: geometry objects in this parameter will be excluded from the scene regardless of whether they are selected in the Candidate Objects or Force Objects field.
  • Solo Light: only lights in this parameter will be translated to Maxwell Render. If this parameter is set, the candidate, forced, and exclusion parameters are ignored.
  • Candidate Lights: each light in this parameter will be translated to Maxwell Render if their display flags are turned on.
  • Force Lights: each light in this parameter will be translated to Maxwell Render regardless of the state of their display flag.
  • Exclude Lights: each light in this parameter will be excluded from the scene regardless of whether they are selected in the Candidate Lights or Force Lights field.

The plug-in exports polygon objects only. The Maxwell Render ROP node gives you a warning message if it detects non-polygonal faces.



Each camera node defined in the scene and marked as rendered will be translated for Maxwell Render by the plug-in, same way as the other renderers (like Mantra) work.

Basic camera and object parameters such as shutter speed, f-stop or position, rotation, uv coordinates are read from the node itself (see the Maxwell Camera (OBJ) chapter). In addition Maxwell has some specific parameters which are not available on Houdini’s default camera and geometry nodes. These can be defined with a multilist control under the Camera Parameters and Object Parameters tab of the General Settings. A camera or an object path has to be added here if the default value of the following Maxwell related parameters has to be changed. This solution ensures that a standard Houdini scene can be rendered with Maxwell Render without any changes in the existing nodes.



Maxwell Render simulates a real camera with the associated lens set, diaphragm, etc. parameters. Special camera parameters will appear on the interface when a camera or a bundle of cameras is selected in the multilist control.
  • Use Shutter Speed: camera shutter is different in Houdini and Maxwell. Houdini stores shutter time in 0 – 1 interval, while Maxwell uses shutter speed. Shutter time is translated with a formula (described in the Maxwell Camera section) which has some limitations. If this flag is turned on, the given value will be used as the camera shutter speed in the Maxwell scene.
  • ISO: specifies the film's light- sensitivity. Higher ISO is more sensitive.
  • Aperture: controls the shape of the “bokeh” effect caused by bright spots in the parts of the render that are out of focus. (Circular or Polygonal)
  • Blades: specifies the number of blades for Polygonal diaphragm.
  • Angle: specifies rotation angle of aperture opening for Polygonal diaphragm.
  • Shift Offset: specifies the offset of the lens position horizontally and vertically which can be useful to correct geometric perspective distortion.
