Daemons - Wind

"Wind" can also affect rigid and soft bodies. Like many other daemons, wind forces can be bounded to limit them. The hollow arrowhead of the viewport gizmo indicates the wind direction.




There are two options:

  • "Force" accelerates the particles and they become faster and faster as long as the force is acting on them. 
  • “Velocity” only works with particles and adds the daemon's "Strength" value to a particle's speed. The resulting peak velocity remains constant during the simulation.
    An example: Let's assume the daemon's "Strength" is 9.8 and the emitter's "Speed" value is 2.0. Here, a particle's velocity will be roughly 11.8 m/s.

This value is the wind force's scaling factor.

Noise strength

This value is the scaling factor for a random force that will be added to “Strength”. Both “Strength” and “Noise strength” are defined independently, but added to compute the final force: 

  • If you increase “Strength” in conjunction with noise then you have to increase “Noise strength” accordingly, because otherwise the noise pattern will change.
  • With “Strength“ set to 0 and a “Noise strength” greater than 0 you will get the same behaviour as with the → “Noise Field” daemon.
Noise space scale

Here the overall size or frequency of the noise in space is controlled. Be aware that high scale values lead to more noise.

Noise time scale

RealFlow's noise functions create a pattern that is repeated over time. With 0 the noise pattern remains constant during simulation. With higher settings, the noise pattern will change faster, but it will also be repeated in shorter cycles.


“Yes” creates a conical shape – its dimensions are displayed in the viewport. The gizmo's size is adjusted with “Radius 1| 2” and “Height”. You can also change the shape’s size with the "Scale" parameters of the → "Node" panel or the R key.

Radius 1

This is the radius of the bounding cone at the daemon's pivot point

Radius 2

This is the radius of the bounding cone at the daemon gizmo's height.


Change the viewport gizmo's height with this setting.