File Formats (N-Z)

Cache Files

Cache file formats are required by RealFlow to display the simulation data in the viewport, create → previews, or to resume a simulation after an interruption. An example:

  • Let's assume you simulate a standard particle “Circle” emitter.
  • Under “Export Central” you disable “Particle cache (.bin)” and enable “Particle sequence (.pdc)” for direct use in Maya.
  • During simulation you will observe that the → timeline bar does not turn orange. This orange bar indicates the simulation's progress and the already cached files. It is not possible to resume or replay the simulation.
  • The reason is that “Particle sequence (.pdc)” is not a RealFlow cache format – the PDC files can be written, but not be read.

File Formats (N-Z)

Particle Proxy (.pxy)

This format stores one particle file per frame. Double-click on the “Best” option to choose a compression level.

Particles (.bin)

This format stores one particle file per frame. BINs are supported by the → RealFlow RenderKit and the → connectivity plugins.

Particles (.pxy)

This format stores one particle file per frame. Double-click on the “Best” option to choose a compression level.

Particle cache (.bin)

This cache format stores one particle file per frame ,and supports channels – you can activate and deactivate them on demand. BINs are supported by the → RealFlow RenderKit and the → connectivity plugins.

Particles cache -Alembic- (.abc)

This cache format stores one particle file per frame, and supports channels – you can activate and deactivate them on demand. Double-click on the “No compression” option to choose a compression level between 0 (lowest) and 9 (highest).

Particle cache -Arnold- (.ass)

This cache format stores one particle file per frame, and supports channels – you can activate and deactivate them on demand.

Particles cache (.rpc)

This cache format stores one particle file per frame, and supports channels – you can activate and deactivate them on demand. RPCs are supported by the → RealFlow RenderKit and the → connectivity plugins.

Particle sequence (.asc)

This ASCII format stores one file per frame and contains basic channel together with position data.

Particle sequence (.pd)

This format stores one file per frames, and supports channels – you can activate and deactivate them on demand. PD is currently unsupported by external applications.

Particle sequence (.pdc)

This is Maya's native particle format and stores on file per frame.

RealFlow Script (.rfs)

A RFS file is standard ASCII text file and contains a RealFlow Python script.

Surface cache (.rwc)

This is a cache format for RealWave and stores one file per frame.

Surface deformation (.abc)

This format stores one file per frame and contains the deformation data of a RealWave surface.

Surface deformation (.ass)

This format stores one file per frame and contains the deformation data of a RealWave surface.

Surface deformation (.lwo)

This format stores one Lightwave object file per frame and contains the deformation data of a RealWave surface.

Surface deformation (.sd)

This cache format stores one file per frame and contains the deformation data of a RealWave surface. RealWave simulations can be accelerated by disabling the RWC format and using SD instead. SDs are supported by the → RealFlow RenderKit and the → connectivity plugins.

Texture and Image Formats | TGA, BMP, JPG, PNG, TIF, EXR

RealFlow writes out channel, displacement, foam, wet-dry textures and preview images. The image format can be changed with a double-click on the file format in the → “Option” column of the “Export Central” window, e.g. “tga” or “exr”.

Video Formats | OS-specific

Previews can be converted into videos automatically. The supported movie format depends on your operating system and the installed codecs.