Job Manager (JM)

This tool is your control centre for network simulations where you can monitor the current status of the connected nodes and the running jobs. You can find this UI element in RealFlow's "Layout" menu. Before you start, RealFlow's network environment has to be defined. Please take a look at the following chapters for more details:

Here, we assume that everything is up and running correctly.


The Interface

RealFlow's “Job Manager” interface is a basic web browser, but we recommend using it for monitoring your simulations only, because it does not provide any security settings or tools.

Address line

Here you can see the local address of RealFlow's “Job Manager” interface. By default, this is the address you have specified under RealFlow's → preferences.


Go to the entered address with this button.


The home address is the one you have specified under RealFlow's → preferences.


Refresh the web interface.

Browser window

This is the area where the job manager's monitoring interface is shown. 

Reload every

When enabled the web interface is refreshed in a given interval.


This is the web interface's update interval when “Reload every” is active.