Release Notes (

System requirements

  • Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, or Windows 8.1
  • CPU 64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor
  • 4 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB of RAM memory is highly recommended
  • Hardware-accelerated OpenGL® graphics card
  • 1 GB available hard disk space for installation
  • 3 button mouse
Linux 64
  • 64 bits distribution with a 2.6 Kernel and glib 2.11.3
  • csh (C-shell)
  • CPU 64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor
  • 4 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB of RAM memory is highly recommended
  • Hardware-accelerated OpenGL® graphics card
  • 1 GB available hard disk space for installation
  • 3 button mouse
  • Mac OS X 10.8 and higher
  • CPU 64-bit Intel®
  • 4 GB RAM minimum, 8 GB of RAM memory is highly recommended
  • Hardware-accelerated OpenGL® graphics card
  • 1 GB available hard disk space for installation
  • 3 button mouse

Features added

Alternative paths

RF-2445 New Feature - scene.resolveSceneVariablesUsingAlternativePaths() function to get all the alternative path variations of an input path.


RF-2477 New Feature - reloadData() function for every node type to reload only that node cache files.

RF-2471 New Feature - scene.hasCommand() function.

RF-2462 New Feature - scene.getNode() function to return a scene node based on its name.

RF-2447 New Feature - New extra functions to get and set the state of Export Central options.

RF-2445 New Feature - scene.resolveSceneVariablesUsingAlternativePaths() function to get all the alternative path variations of an input path.

RF-2420 New Feature - New Python and C++ scene.ImportFromXML_string() function to import XML without needing an existing file.


RF-2400 New Feature - Access to Cell Size Scale and Daemons Force scale from Python and C++ SDKs.

Command Line Version

RF-2405 New Feature - When the simulation is launched using the command line from the "Simulation" button a normal license check must be done.


RF-2475 New Feature - CommandParameterInfo node.

File export

RF-2476 New Feature - "Reload data" option in the Export context menu.


RF-2515 New Feature - Add a graph node "GetHybridoSecondaryEmitter" to get a Hybrido secondary emitter.

RF-2514 New Feature - Add a graph node "SetParticles" to set a particle system to a node in a efficient manner.

RF-2506 New Feature - Add a graph node "ParticleDisplaceFromImage" to apply a displacement from an image to the particles.

RF-2475 New Feature - CommandParameterInfo node.

RF-2472 New Feature - HasCommand graph node.

RF-2470 New Feature - ExecuteCommand graph node.

RF-2408 New Feature - BitCopy graph node.


RF-2519 New Feature - A tool in the "Liquid - Hybrido" shelf to snap foam particles to the nearest point on a mesh from a HY_Mesh node.

RF-2518 New Feature - A tool in the "Liquid - Hybrido" shelf to displace foam particles using the displacement from a HY_Domain node.

Hybrido fluids

RF-2492 New Feature - Add different models to compute the collision fractions used by the Hybrido liquid solver.


RF-2405 New Feature - When the simulation is launched using the command line from the "Simulation" button a normal license check must be done.

RF-2397 New Feature - A Wizard to help on the licensing process.

RF-2396 New Feature - When there is a problem with the licenses show always the user the possibility of launching the Realflow Licensing Wizard.

Python API

RF-2477 New Feature - reloadData() function for every node type to reload only that node cache files.

RF-2471 New Feature - scene.hasCommand() function.

RF-2462 New Feature - scene.getNode() function to return a scene node based on its name.

RF-2447 New Feature - New extra functions to get and set the state of Export Central options.

RF-2445 New Feature - scene.resolveSceneVariablesUsingAlternativePaths() function to get all the alternative path variations of an input path.

RF-2420 New Feature - New Python and C++ scene.ImportFromXML_string() function to import XML without needing an existing file.

Python SDK

RF-2400 New Feature - Access to Cell Size Scale and Daemons Force scale from Python and C++ SDKs.

User interface

RF-2476 New Feature - "Reload data" option in the Export context menu.

XML import/export

RF-2420 New Feature - New Python and C++ scene.ImportFromXML_string() function to import XML without needing an existing file.



RF-1520 Improvement - Python export() function for Cameras.

Command Line Version

RF-2441 Improvement - An error is displayed when the user wants to perform a command line preview but the scene does not contain any camera.


RF-2419 Improvement - When a shelf contains a command that does not exist at that moment in RealFlow, an "missing" button is displayed instead.

Export Central

RF-2384 Improvement - Export Central Clean option shows false positives when displaying the amount of files that are going to be deleted on Linux and Mac OS X.

File export

RF-2478 Improvement - "Export" option in nodes context menu has been renamed to "Export ..." and prompts for user confirmation.


RF-2433 Improvement - The environment variable USERPROFILE in Windows must be used to define the user's home folder in the the case the environment variable HOME doesn't exist.


RF-2508 Improvement - The graph node "MeshDisplaceFromImage" is multithreaded.

RF-2429 Improvement - ArrayNumRange graph node does not take into account the Color4 alpha component.

RF-2428 Improvement - Graph ArrayNumAverage node does not take into account the alpha for the computation.

RF-2427 Improvement - Graph Clamp node support for Vector3 and Color4 nodes.

RF-2426 Improvement - Scene Scale options access from Graphs. (with Get/SetSimulationOptions nodes)

RF-2383 Improvement - MeshAddVertexChannel and ParticleAddChannel should allow more data types, even if they cannot be directly handled by graphs.

RF-1653 Improvement - NumMapRange node should allow the passthrough of the input value.

RF-1571 Improvement - Get/Set Global Variable graph nodes for Bit type.


RF-2495 Improvement - The parameters "Repeat U" and "Repeat V" from the HY_Domain node are now parameters of type real instead of being of type integer. This allow for a better control on the displacement tiling.

RF-2423 Improvement - The particle loading process when using the RPC file format is faster than before, in the order of 4x. This improves considerably the preview times when using RPC files.

Hybrido fluids

RF-2446 Improvement - The interaction between Hybrido fluids and objects with slope is more accurate. Artificial friction-like forces were introduced before this improvement.

RF-2415 Improvement - For the RPC file format in the HY_Domain node only the checked channels in the export central should be loaded. Right now all the channels are loaded even though they are unchecked in the export central.

Hybrido mesh integration

RF-2465 Improvement - The "Height attenuation" for the displacement in the HY_Mesh node has a min/max normalization factors to fine control the attenuation by height.

RF-2464 Improvement - The "Speed attenuation" for the displacement in the HY_Mesh node has a min/max normalization factors to fine control the attenuation by speed.

Job Manager

RF-2486 Improvement - CmdSendJob and CmdSendPreviewJob plugins now are more robust when applying path translation rules.

RF-2434 Improvement - scene.sendPreviewToJobManager() function for Python.


RF-2433 Improvement - The environment variable USERPROFILE in Windows must be used to define the user's home folder in the the case the environment variable HOME doesn't exist.

Maxwell Integration

RF-2448 Improvement - Maxwell Render maximum time has been increased from 3600 seconds to 99999.

RF-2441 Improvement - An error is displayed when the user wants to perform a command line preview but the scene does not contain any camera.

NBinary loader emitter

RF-2409 Improvement - NBinary Loader sequence limit has been increased from 20 to 100.

Particle mesh (Renderkit) integration

RF-2524 Improvement - A warning message is shown to the user when a mesh from the nodes of type "ParticleMesh" and "ParticleMesh(Legacy)" is built but the particle channel "emitterId" is not checked in the export central for the "HY_Domain" node.

RF-2484 Improvement - The "Particle Mesh" node supports for Liquid - Particles weights, i.e. different Liquid-Particles emitters that contribute to the generation of the mesh will provide different weights to the vertexes of the mesh.

Particle mesh (Standard)

RF-2524 Improvement - A warning message is shown to the user when a mesh from the nodes of type "ParticleMesh" and "ParticleMesh(Legacy)" is built but the particle channel "emitterId" is not checked in the export central for the "HY_Domain" node.

Python API

RF-2434 Improvement - scene.sendPreviewToJobManager() function for Python.

RF-1520 Improvement - Python export() function for Cameras.


RF-2419 Improvement - When a shelf contains a command that does not exist at that moment in RealFlow, an "missing" button is displayed instead.

XML import/export

RF-2480 Improvement - XML Export option to convert exported paths to absolute paths.



RF-514 Limitation - Interaction with planes is not good

Caronte integration

RF-1568 Limitation - A node of type HY_Domain in cache mode doesn't affect neither rigid nor soft body objects.


RF-1330 Limitation - Commands organizer should accept graphs

FLW read/write

RF-2170 Limitation - The option "Selection Highligthing" from the menu "View->Show" is not saved with the project.

RF-2169 Limitation - The options to hide/show the nodes of the scene from the menu "View->Show" are not saved with the project.


RF-160 Limitation - Scene Animation.SD doesn't hold new objects created during the simulation.

RF-158 Limitation - FLW files are not interchangeable between machines with different endianness.

RF-157 Limitation - BDC files are not interchangeable between machines with different endianness.

RF-156 Limitation - Maximum number of threads is 128


RF-1988 Limitation - FieldSave node cannot save several fields inside a single file. Unlike FieldRealLoad.

Grid splash & Foam

RF-562 Limitation - Mist can't be created for Splash&Foam and Wet&Foam nodes.

Grid wet & Foam

RF-562 Limitation - Mist can't be created for Splash&Foam and Wet&Foam nodes.


RF-1568 Limitation - A node of type HY_Domain in cache mode doesn't affect neither rigid nor soft body objects.

Hybrido fluids

RF-300 Limitation - Proxy files cannot be exported with the GridDomain on cache mode

Hybrido mesh integration

RF-2378 Limitation - Liquid-Hybrido secondary emitters and Liquid-Particles emitters are ignored for meshing when added to a HY_Mesh.

Maxwell Integration

RF-1735 Limitation - RealFlow crashes during Maxwell voxelization when memory is exceeded

Object emitter

RF-146 Limitation - Object Emitter in vertex or faces mode does not export the selection

User interface

RF-2170 Limitation - The option "Selection Highligthing" from the menu "View->Show" is not saved with the project.

RF-2169 Limitation - The options to hide/show the nodes of the scene from the menu "View->Show" are not saved with the project.

XML import/export

RF-333 Limitation - Initial State for objects cannot be reused when exporting scene as XML because it is embedded into the .FLW file.

RF-146 Limitation - Object Emitter in vertex or faces mode does not export the selection

Fixed bugs


RF-2407 Bug - Importing an ABC file on command line mode crashes RealFlow.

RF-2327 Bug - extensions are not exported in alembic

Alternative paths

RF-2425 Bug - Alternative Paths access from XML and graphs.

Arnold Integration

RF-2440 Bug - EXPORT_ARNOLD_SCENE constant is missing from Python SDK.

RF-2439 Bug - Arnold scene is missing from XML export/import.

Batch script

RF-2483 Bug - startup.rfs script is not properly parsed if it contains Windows end of line characters.


RF-2422 Bug - Maxwell channel settings are missing from graphs, XML and Python.


RF-2526 Bug - The SDK function "selectNodes" from the class "Scene" doesn't work when RealFlow is running in command line mode.

RF-2525 Bug - The SDK function "updateTimeLineCache" for the class "Scene" doesn't work when RealFlow is running in command line mode.

RF-2521 Bug - The Python and C++ SDK function "getSelectedNodes" from the "Scene" class returns an empty list of selected nodes in command line even thought there are selected nodes in the scene.


RF-2404 Bug - A simple Caronte simulation with many objects freezes on Mac OS X when the number of threads is high.

RF-2402 Bug - RealFlow crashes when an initial state of an active rigid body is created and after that we change the same object to be a passive rigid body and we reset the scene (using the reset to initial state option in the reset button).

Command Line Version

RF-2488 Bug - Estimated remaining and average time for a command line render is not properly computed if launched from a script.

RF-2487 Bug - The -threads flag is not taken into account for a command line Maxwell preview.

RF-2437 Bug - "Send to Maxwell Command Line" action performs a preview of the full frame range, instead of using the frameEnd value like OpenGL and Maxwell previews on GUI mode.

RF-2407 Bug - Importing an ABC file on command line mode crashes RealFlow.

RF-2406 Bug - RealFlow crashes on XML import on command line mode.

RF-2381 Bug - Legacy Particle Mesher files are not loaded during command line Maxwell preview.

RF-2206 Bug - Animated nodes using the animation curves for the transformation parameters are not updated properly when using the command line version and the reset option, only if the simulation range doesn't start in the frame 0.


RF-2485 Bug - Daemon plugins are missing from the commands list.

RF-2459 Bug - RealFlow user interface remains enabled during command execution.

File export

RF-2491 Bug - PRT files exported with graphs with custom channels of types different than Vector3F or Float are corrupted.

RF-2490 Bug - PRT files for Hybrido secondary emitters with the 'mask' channel enabled cannot be loaded on 3D platforms.

RF-2482 Bug - RealFlow crashes when we try to load a cache file where the file path name is not valid or where the file path is not accesible because of permissions.

RF-2416 Bug - The functionality "Update Time Line Cache" doesn't work when the "Padding size" option in the "File name options" dialog box is different than 5.


RF-2517 Bug - The graph node "Vector3Reorder" doesn't work at all. It gives always a Vector3 with zero value at its components.

RF-2491 Bug - PRT files exported with graphs with custom channels of types different than Vector3F or Float are corrupted.

RF-2463 Bug - Using the SetMesh node from a mesh coming from RealWave will crash on flat shaded mode.

RF-2461 Bug - MeshClipByDistanceField graph node crashes when input distance field is null.

RF-2460 Bug - NumMapRange graph node does not take alpha into account.

RF-2425 Bug - Alternative Paths access from XML and graphs.

RF-2422 Bug - Maxwell channel settings are missing from graphs, XML and Python.

RF-2417 Bug - Enabling and disabling a graph in Simulation Flow window makes the view shift a small amount of pixels.

RF-2414 Bug - RealFlow might crash if trying to click on Undo/Redo after selecting 'Clear' on a graph editor.

RF-2413 Bug - RealFlow crashes when nodes with empty input passthrough pins are evaluated and graph is closed.

RF-2412 Bug - Graph Clamp node does not support Integer64 values.

RF-2411 Bug - ArrayNumAverage graph node does not accept Integer64 values.

RF-2391 Bug - Graph Interface nodes do not store properly their parameters if they belong to a Simulation Flow graph.

RF-2387 Bug - FieldSample graph node sometimes does not load properly the specialization of its output value. This leads to missing connections on load or paste.

RF-2082 Bug - Graph nodes which write raw data to file crash if it is bigger than 4GB.

RF-1771 Bug - Notes are duplicated when dragging a xml file from explorer to realflow

RF-1770 Bug - Notes can't be removed properly

RF-1761 Bug - MeshExtrude graph node does not create the extra per vertex information (like UVs).

RF-1675 Bug - There are still cases where graph notes are pasted twice.

RF-1660 Bug - Graph Clear option does not remove notes.

RF-1576 Bug - ImageDrawCircle and ImageDrawQuad nodes are really slow when painting many elements with a small size if number of threads is bigger than 1.

Grid Foam

RF-2503 Bug - The time line is not updated properly showing the cached frames for Hybrido secondary emitters when the RPC option in the export central is selected.

Grid mist

RF-2418 Bug - RealFlow crashes in some scenes when using the HY_Mist node.

Grid splash

RF-2511 Bug - Killing daemons for Hybrido Secondary emitters when the "Type" parameter is set to "Liquid - Hybrido" are not working properly, i.e. the killing volume is leaving a layer of particles outside of the volume.

RF-2503 Bug - The time line is not updated properly showing the cached frames for Hybrido secondary emitters when the RPC option in the export central is selected.

Grid splash & Foam

RF-2511 Bug - Killing daemons for Hybrido Secondary emitters when the "Type" parameter is set to "Liquid - Hybrido" are not working properly, i.e. the killing volume is leaving a layer of particles outside of the volume.

RF-2503 Bug - The time line is not updated properly showing the cached frames for Hybrido secondary emitters when the RPC option in the export central is selected.

Grid Waterline

RF-2516 Bug - The "HY_Waterline" node doesn't load cache files when scrubbing the time line if the file format chosen is Alembic (ABC).

RF-2503 Bug - The time line is not updated properly showing the cached frames for Hybrido secondary emitters when the RPC option in the export central is selected.

Grid Wet

RF-2511 Bug - Killing daemons for Hybrido Secondary emitters when the "Type" parameter is set to "Liquid - Hybrido" are not working properly, i.e. the killing volume is leaving a layer of particles outside of the volume.

RF-2503 Bug - The time line is not updated properly showing the cached frames for Hybrido secondary emitters when the RPC option in the export central is selected.

Grid wet & Foam

RF-2511 Bug - Killing daemons for Hybrido Secondary emitters when the "Type" parameter is set to "Liquid - Hybrido" are not working properly, i.e. the killing volume is leaving a layer of particles outside of the volume.


RF-2496 Bug - The parameter "Evaluation uvw mapping" for the HY_Domain node is deprecated.

RF-2230 Bug - Particles from a HY_Emitter are created outside of an object where the volume is set to "Solid outside".

RF-2206 Bug - Animated nodes using the animation curves for the transformation parameters are not updated properly when using the command line version and the reset option, only if the simulation range doesn't start in the frame 0.

Hybrido fluids

RF-2453 Bug - Under some circumstances the collision between objects and the HY_Domain node is not properly calculated when the "Cell size" parameter of the object is smaller than the "Cell size" of the HY_Domain node.

RF-2442 Bug - RealFlow crashes randomly when friction is used in objects interacting with an HY_Domain node.

RF-2205 Bug - Simulating by command line is making to dissapear the fluid when the container geometry is active.

Hybrido mesh algorithm

RF-2507 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the parameter "Open Boundaries" in the HY_Mesh node is enabled and we try to create a mesh out of a Liquid-Particles emitter.

Hybrido mesh intergration

RF-2453 Bug - Under some circumstances the collision between objects and the HY_Domain node is not properly calculated when the "Cell size" parameter of the object is smaller than the "Cell size" of the HY_Domain node.

RF-2394 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the "Motion Blur Factor" parameter is different than 0 and we are doing a Maxwell rendering using the command line of a HY_Mesh node where we export the meshes using the alembic (.abc) file format.

Maxwell Integration

RF-2488 Bug - Estimated remaining and average time for a command line render is not properly computed if launched from a script.

RF-2487 Bug - The -threads flag is not taken into account for a command line Maxwell preview.

RF-2437 Bug - "Send to Maxwell Command Line" action performs a preview of the full frame range, instead of using the frameEnd value like OpenGL and Maxwell previews on GUI mode.

RF-2422 Bug - Maxwell channel settings are missing from graphs, XML and Python.

Movie Player window

RF-2403 Bug - Movie Player icons are missing when loading a node parameter texture sequence.


RF-2502 Bug - Multijoints are not working when a scene is loaded and we simulate.

Node cloning

RF-2468 Bug - Cloning the majority of node types doesn't select the new cloned nodes, it keeps the original nodes selected.

RF-2382 Bug - Cloning a Daemon does not clone its Display Force Field parameters.

Ocean Force daemon

RF-2510 Bug - The preview and the force field of the "Ocean Force" daemon don't match when a scene is loaded. This result in a simulation that doesn't match the preview.

RF-2509 Bug - The preview for the "Ocean Force" daemon is wrong when the scene is loaded for the first time. It is correctly updated as soon as the simulation starts or the time line current frame is changed.

RF-2399 Bug - Ocean Force Field working with image make crash RealFlow with an attached tga

RF-2392 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the parameter "Image" in the "Ocean Force" daemon has a reference to a texture file that can't be loaded.

Parameters manipulation

RF-2393 Bug - The "Load Texture for Parameter" dialog box should be modal, any action on the node while the dialog box is open might crash RealFlow.

Particle mesh (Renderkit) integration

RF-2390 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the "Motion Blur Factor" parameter is different than 0 and we are doing a Maxwell rendering using the command line of a ParticleMesh node where we export the meshes using the alembic (.abc) file format.

Particle mesh (Standard)

RF-2381 Bug - Legacy Particle Mesher files are not loaded during command line Maxwell preview.

Particle-based fluids

RF-2238 Bug - Duplicating and moving a sph emitter in a frame different of zero, will keep some particles at original place

Python API

RF-2440 Bug - EXPORT_ARNOLD_SCENE constant is missing from Python SDK.

RF-2438 Bug - scene.activeExportResource() does not support EXPORT_ARNOLD_SCENE, EXPORT_ARNOLD_SCENEEXPORT_MAXWELL_SCENE and EXPORT_JOBFILES values.

RF-2424 Bug - scene.resolveSceneVariables() function for Python.

RF-2422 Bug - Maxwell channel settings are missing from graphs, XML and Python.

RF-2386 Bug - isExportDataActive() and activeExportData() functions are missing for some of the node types in Python.

Python SDK

RF-2526 Bug - The SDK function "selectNodes" from the class "Scene" doesn't work when RealFlow is running in command line mode.

RF-2525 Bug - The SDK function "updateTimeLineCache" for the class "Scene" doesn't work when RealFlow is running in command line mode.

RF-2522 Bug - The Python SDK function "selectNodes" from the "Scene" class ignores nodes of type HY_Bubbles.

RF-2521 Bug - The Python and C++ SDK function "getSelectedNodes" from the "Scene" class returns an empty list of selected nodes in command line even thought there are selected nodes in the scene.

RF-2520 Bug - Executing a python script containing the "GUIMessageDialog" class in command line using the "-script" option makes RealFlow to stop the execution of the script abruptly.

RealFlow macros

RF-2424 Bug - scene.resolveSceneVariables() function for Python.

Relationship Editor

RF-2489 Bug - Right click should not be available on Relationship Editor during simulation.

Simulation Flow window

RF-2417 Bug - Enabling and disabling a graph in Simulation Flow window makes the view shift a small amount of pixels.

Simulation pipeline

RF-2238 Bug - Duplicating and moving a sph emitter in a frame different of zero, will keep some particles at original place


RF-2414 Bug - RealFlow might crash if trying to click on Undo/Redo after selecting 'Clear' on a graph editor.

User interface

RF-2523 Bug - The "Layers" option in the "Layout" menu is not grayed out when simulating or playing.

RF-2458 Bug - A different viewport is displayed instead the actual viewport when creating a OpenGL preview if there are two viewports and one of them is removed, due to RealFlow keeping as selected viewport the last one removed and not the actual one.

RF-2454 Bug - A false warning message about "disk full" is displayed when the simulation is stopped if the "Stop simulation on disk write error" is activated and the scene file path has a back slash included.

RF-2393 Bug - The "Load Texture for Parameter" dialog box should be modal, any action on the node while the dialog box is open might crash RealFlow.

RF-2380 Bug - RealFlow crashes when a simulation is started if the option "Stop simulation on disk error" from the preferences is checked.

User plugins manager

RF-2485 Bug - Daemon plugins are missing from the commands list.

Video preview

RF-780 Bug - Sometimes frames have an offset or dropped during video preview.

XML import/export

RF-2439 Bug - Arnold scene is missing from XML export/import.

RF-2425 Bug - Alternative Paths access from XML and graphs.

RF-2422 Bug - Maxwell channel settings are missing from graphs, XML and Python.

RF-2421 Bug - File name prefix setting is missing from XML export.

RF-2406 Bug - RealFlow crashes on XML import on command line mode.

Known bugs

3D platform plug-ins

RF-2431 Bug - Preview with Maxwell by command line is not rendering the obj files.


RF-1886 Bug - ParticleLoad graph node does not load properly Alembic files that come from a standard emitter simulation.

RF-1749 Bug - "Degenerated faces" message appears with an alembic file

RF-1694 Bug - "Normal facing" value is not applied for an imported animation objects in Alembic format.

RF-1515 Bug - The light is changing for the Alembic object in the viewport when moving the timeline

RF-1177 Bug - UNDO is not working for alembic properly

RF-1175 Bug - Same object, imported as Alembic and SD, won't match their animation.

RF-1174 Bug - Alembic objects is changing the light when moving the timeline.

RF-1154 Bug - Parent to is not working with Alembic to scale globally from a Null

RF-1153 Bug - Alembic is not working properly when rotating in RealFlow and moving the timeline.

RF-1031 Bug - Alembic files are not imported in Maya

Alembic I/O

RF-1540 Bug - Once an alembic file has been loaded, its "file handle" is not freed.

RF-1538 Bug - Normals exported from RF in alembic are not correct

RF-1424 Bug - Moving a cloned multibody coming from an alembic file does not work properly

Alternative paths

RF-2481 Bug - Creating a new scene does not clear the current state of alternative paths.

Animation curves

RF-2234 Bug - There is a gap between animated geometry and distance field if the geometry is animated in RealFlow.

RF-969 Bug - We can add keys for an imported SD even though the SD<>Curve is not enabled.

RF-455 Bug - Realflow doesn't work with negatives frames properly.

Arnold Integration

RF-2452 Bug - Sometimes the "maxwell" and "arnold" file names on Export Central are missing.

RF-2375 Bug - particle meshes don't have correct uv's

Batch script

RF-1688 Bug - Clicking on the right column of the script editor autocompletion popup does not open the help for that function.

Binary loader emitter

RF-866 Bug - Retimer should work with unsimulated binary loaders.

Built-in objects

RF-1905 Bug - Capsule object is not symmetrical


RF-1574 Bug - The maxwell related SDK functions that are now available in Python are not available in C++.

RF-1141 Bug - Removing a standard emitter node during simulation (via scripting or graph) crashes RealFlow.


RF-1758 Bug - Modifying a camera view with the viewport should be undoable.

RF-1757 Bug - Modifying a camera view directly on the viewport does not set the scene as modified.


RF-1159 Bug - Changing the normals to reversed for dynamics objects is working bad when selecting active or passive

RF-1061 Bug - Unlimited Force for joints doesn't mean unlimited force. Name should be changed.

RF-1060 Bug - Changing the values for Elasticity and Friction to 1.0 produces a slow simulation, but faster if we stop the simulation and resimulate.

RF-1058 Bug - Softbodies are exploding when the Plasticity adquired is 1. Simulation Quality for this scene is 70.

RF-996 Bug - Simulating by command line, the break condition is not working properly.

RF-995 Bug - Fracturing an object by geometry is generating an empty multibody. (see the scene attached)

RF-993 Bug - Characteristic distance is not properly updated when simulating by command line.

RF-984 Bug - Apply force factor fracture is not working properly cause the object is fully broken when simulating.

RF-977 Bug - Simulating by command line don't set the values for the Characteristic Distance properly.

RF-950 Bug - joints plasticity acquired rate param no used

RF-859 Bug - Editing target of servo after some simulation makes Reaction time and Overreaction delta values to fail

RF-858 Bug - All parameters of servos need recreation of servo after edition

RF-853 Bug - Imported animated objects to use them as softbodies, can't be set with an initial speed.

Caronte integration

RF-1112 Bug - Fracture tool voronoi uniform is using "extrussion effect" unexpectedly.

RF-954 Bug - Joints behaviour is lost when loading a simulation. Also, loading the simulation is too slow.

RF-953 Bug - Pannel values of axial vectors (like angular velocity) are wrongly interpreted when using right-handed axes systems.

RF-833 Bug - Dynamics objects, if they are cached, should be read the BDC information before re-writing the BDC file again

RF-638 Bug - Remove object from the Objects A, B or C lists of servos and joints when it stops being of the appropriated type

RF-377 Bug - Changes on scale scene with rigids have issues if not done on reset

RF-364 Bug - Conflict on 'Create Initial State' among .bdc and

RF-359 Bug - Caronte simulations aren´t deterministic unless RF gets reopen every time

Circle emitter

RF-913 Bug - V and H random is not working if an emitter is set as volume

Command Line Version

RF-1428 Bug - Fill Object not working on command line

RF-1332 Bug - RealFlow is crashing when creating a folder and it can't be created.


RF-2435 Bug - Command line options should be exported in the xml

RF-445 Bug - RF crashes at shutdown when the file for a command plugin is removed from the plugins folder and that command plugin was previously loaded into RF using the commands organizer, only happen when a scene is loaded before closing.

Curve Editor

RF-847 Bug - Expressions with references are not updated when the related parameter changes and is not animated.

Drag force daemon

RF-1984 Bug - Force Limit parameter for Drag Daemon is not working

DSpline daemon

RF-1422 Bug - XML export and import of animated DSpline and Spline Emitter control points is not possible.

Export Central

RF-2452 Bug - Sometimes the "maxwell" and "arnold" file names on Export Central are missing.

RF-1525 Bug - Disabling RFS from Export Central sends the FLW to the Job Manager instead of a script. There should be no checkbox.

Fibers emitter

RF-919 Bug - Fibers emitter should have a seed # to be deterministic.

File export

RF-2231 Bug - and bdc for imported geometry as Multibody or ABC multibody are not saved by command line.

RF-1791 Bug - Hybrido Domain does not recognize the $(IDOC) macro for exporting/importing data.

RF-1503 Bug - .obj export of capsule -> normals are all 0 or -nan (not a number)

RF-1070 Bug - RealFlow crashes in command line when there is no HDD space

Fill object emitter

RF-1428 Bug - Fill Object not working on command line


RF-1189 Bug - Fracture by points is not working properly.

RF-1188 Bug - Fracture tool radial is not working properly.

RF-1047 Bug - The twist parameter should accept negative values [-1, 1]. Now it is only accepting positive values. Fractures by radial

RF-1046 Bug - External transition decay should be Internal transition decay for the Internal group inside fracture by radial parameters.


RF-2013 Bug - File Name Prefix, from File Name Options is missing from graphs.

RF-1711 Bug - RF cannot be executed when installed in a folder with blanks

RF-1308 Bug - Command line simulation doesn't print an error when an object is missing

RF-1079 Bug - Email notification hangs RealFlow selected when running on GUI

RF-852 Bug - A daemon can be parent to with a RigidBody but not with a SoftBody.

RF-485 Bug - Objects with an Initial State created are reseted to initial state even they are Inactive

RF-474 Bug - BDC files are overwriting when simulating with the objects in cache mode

RF-460 Bug - Minimized windows don't update when the same viewport is reopened.

RF-458 Bug - Object name must be removed from Multjoints if the object is changed to dynamics NO.


RF-2512 Bug - The attached VDB file can't be meshed with the graph node "FieldRealMesher" anymore.

RF-2443 Bug - Pressing the run graph shortcut keys (CTRL+ENTER) during parameter edition may crash RealFlow on Mac OS X.

RF-2158 Bug - Simulation Flow Graphs should save the viewport geometry.

RF-1987 Bug - Field3D files generated during a Hybrido Domain simulation cannot be loaded with a FieldRealLoad graph node.

RF-1886 Bug - ParticleLoad graph node does not load properly Alembic files that come from a standard emitter simulation.

RF-1885 Bug - RealFlow crashes when the graph node "MeshDisplaceFromImage" is using an "uv" map where one of the components is 1.

RF-1772 Bug - Insert Pass through and CTRL + Z is crashing RealFlow.

RF-1760 Bug - MeshClip nodes seem to corrupt the mesh UV values.

RF-1747 Bug - Clicking on Evaluate Node or Evaluate Pin instead of running a graph does not work properly if there are GetParticles nodes.

RF-1689 Bug - SetNodeParameter graph node should refresh the parameter list.

RF-1687 Bug - SetImageChannel node doesn't seem to work properly if the 'image channel' source has more than 1 channel.

RF-1670 Bug - Graphs Messages window does not show messages belonging to child compounds.

RF-1665 Bug - Most arithmetic operations with data of Color4 type return unexpected values for the alpha component.

RF-1661 Bug - Floor and Ceil math nodes should allow the passthrough of their inputs.

RF-1656 Bug - Numeric pins with passthroughs don't clean properly their old stored data.

RF-1647 Bug - Graphs including the ConditionIf node might lead to an infinite loop when connecting something to it.

RF-1622 Bug - Ocean Statistical Spectrum "Vertical scale" out of sync

RF-1621 Bug - Ocean Statistical Spectrum "Time scale" out of sync

RF-1579 Bug - Graph nodes that write to file should have some control over the buffersize.

RF-1245 Bug - Graph Notes alpha is reset to strange values when changing background colors

Grid Foam

RF-1740 Bug - Foam particles are behaving wrongly in some circumstances, it seems to be when the core fluid simulation is very thin.

Grid splash

RF-2285 Bug - Max particles for secondary splash emitter is not working

RF-2184 Bug - RealFlow crash when orbiting the viewport while using Splash-Hybrido

Grid splash & Foam

RF-1121 Bug - The exported sequence is not divided into two sequences, one for "_splash", "_wet" and the other "_foam."

Grid wet & Foam

RF-1121 Bug - The exported sequence is not divided into two sequences, one for "_splash", "_wet" and the other "_foam."


RF-1762 Bug - The parameter "Evaluation uvw mapping" in the "Ocean Statistical Spectrum" panel for the "HY_Domain" nodes is deprecated and should not be part of the panel anymore.

RF-1622 Bug - Ocean Statistical Spectrum "Vertical scale" out of sync

RF-1621 Bug - Ocean Statistical Spectrum "Time scale" out of sync

RF-1325 Bug - Bounded is not working for foam when generating by domain

RF-1322 Bug - Use cache for Displacement will make crash RealFlow

Hybrido fluids

RF-1373 Bug - Friction texture in the HyFLIP solver is not working when the volume mode of the object is "Shell".

Hybrido mesh algorithm

RF-1869 Bug - RealFlow crash when building the mesh in this scene with clipping objects (scene link attached)

RF-1655 Bug - Splash attenuation creates noise patterns

RF-1404 Bug - The attenuation of the displacement based on the splashity is not working well.

Hybrido mesh integration

RF-2173 Bug - Hybrido meshes are not exported properly to ABC when using use displacement

RF-1573 Bug - Use of Hybrido Mesh with SPH emitters doesn´t work if the SPH emitters are in Cache mode and the -mesh flag is used

RF-1507 Bug - HY_Mesh node lacks a texture channel


RF-1791 Bug - Hybrido Domain does not recognize the $(IDOC) macro for exporting/importing data.

Import objects

RF-1346 Bug - OBJ import uses LW axis setup

RF-1345 Bug - OBJ import doesn´t rename objects imported more than once

RF-309 Bug - Flat planes imported as .SD from a 3D application have collision distance equal to zero

Job Manager

RF-1525 Bug - Disabling RFS from Export Central sends the FLW to the Job Manager instead of a script. There should be no checkbox.

K age daemon

RF-918 Bug - k Age daemon should accept float values for better precision.

K sphere daemon

RF-1909 Bug - Fit to Object doesn't allow to choose emitters as objects for some K daemons

K volume daemon

RF-1909 Bug - Fit to Object doesn't allow to choose emitters as objects for some K daemons

Maxwell Integration

RF-2456 Bug - motion blur not working on command line

RF-2452 Bug - Sometimes the "maxwell" and "arnold" file names on Export Central are missing.

RF-1998 Bug - use default material if path is invalid (coming from windows i.e.)

RF-1794 Bug - Maxwell window has nothing inside at the time of its creation.

RF-1789 Bug - Weird slow start of rendering

RF-1535 Bug - FIRE is slower with 20% quality than with 100%

RF-1095 Bug - Maxwell is not picking up the meshes that are displayed using the "DisplayMesh" simulation graph nodes.

RF-1019 Bug - Maxwell takes long time to update the view when there is just one viewport working on Windows.

Movie Player window

RF-2210 Bug - Movie Player crashes exporting video if some of the frames has a different size.

RF-2183 Bug - RealFlow is crashing if we cancel "save video" in the movie player.

RF-1722 Bug - Movie Player won't open files with padding lower than the number of frames.

RF-1089 Bug - RealFlow is crashing when cancelling to create a video from movie player.


RF-1996 Bug - Updating a SD loaded as multibody hangs the machine

RF-524 Bug - SD scene update does not seem to work with Multibodies


RF-2398 Bug - Adding Multibodies to Multijoints and checking the Disable collisions by pairs parameter makes that the objects are dessapearing of the objects list.

RF-625 Bug - Create/Recreate button removes joints for all MJ nodes, to create the new joints for the actual Multijoint node.


RF-895 Bug - Name of some parameters in servos panel must be changed.

RF-679 Bug - Multiservo linear doesn't work properly with the Free Z parameter to Yes.

Node parameters window

RF-1689 Bug - SetNodeParameter graph node should refresh the parameter list.

Object manipulation in viewport

RF-2286 Bug - Particles as Spheres are represented in a wrong way in an orthographic view.

OpengGL general visualization

RF-2457 Bug - Exported OpenGL viewport images during simulation are might show a frame offset.

RF-1666 Bug - OS X viewport font looks misaligned.

RF-1624 Bug - OpenGl camera problem

RF-1403 Bug - OpenGL images generated during playback (or simulation) are sometimes unsynchronized.

RF-1310 Bug - VBO active in ATI graphic cards changes the viewport background color

OpengGL glsl shaders

RF-1552 Bug - Spheres drawn with the shader (in hybrido obv) are deformed based on the window size.

Parameters manipulation

RF-1712 Bug - Whitespaces on node names can mess up with a lot of node parameters which relay on the blank space as the separator for multiple values.

Particle mesh (Renderkit) integration

RF-709 Bug - RK Mesher Clipping not working with RealWave nor Box

Particle mesh (Standard)

RF-876 Bug - UV in md meshes is not working properly

Particle-based fluids

RF-680 Bug - Max particles in Splash emitter doesn´t have any effect

RF-280 Bug - "Thin face test" is not working.


RF-2432 Bug - RealFlow does not write preferences properly under OS X 10.10 (Yosemite)

Python API

RF-2021 Bug - activeExportData and isExportDataActive functions are missing for some node types like waterline

RF-842 Bug - Object "getVelocity" function is giving wrong results.

Python Editing

RF-2305 Bug - Python Find dialog remains behind the script editor when it is modal.

RF-2304 Bug - Dragging a piece of Python code from a Script Editor to a shelf removes the code from the editor. It can be brought back with CTRL+Z

Python SDK

RF-2236 Bug - Calling scene.exportCurrentFrame() during simulation freezes RealFlow.

RF-1141 Bug - Removing a standard emitter node during simulation (via scripting or graph) crashes RealFlow.

RF-874 Bug - scene.stopSimulation() doesn't work if simulation is started from a Batch Script


RF-1769 Bug - Realwave interaction with objects is wrong when chopinness is activated

RF-1622 Bug - Ocean Statistical Spectrum "Vertical scale" out of sync

RF-1621 Bug - Ocean Statistical Spectrum "Time scale" out of sync

RF-1443 Bug - Connecting from Object Splash to RealWave will make crash RealFlow.

RF-1344 Bug - RealWave custom wave collision testing is wrong.

RF-1080 Bug - Imported objects as Realwave "Custom", are not affected by other objects if the position and rotation for the RealWave is different to 0,0,0

RF-1016 Bug - RealWave Displacement texture dimensions parameter

RF-925 Bug - Objects are not affecting to the RW as custom object if the sd has orientation's transformation.

RF-855 Bug - Kvolume kills all particles for the realwave with the particle layer activated.

RF-452 Bug - RealWave waterline of objects is not correctly computed with choppy Statistical Spectrum waves.

RealWave Object splash

RF-1443 Bug - Connecting from Object Splash to RealWave will make crash RealFlow.

Relationship Editor

RF-2255 Bug - Relationship Editor groups self-connection threshold is too sensitive.

RF-2254 Bug - Relationship Editor group self connection cannot be selected and displays artifacts.

RF-2168 Bug - Multjoints shouldn't be linked with no nodes in the RelationShip Editor

RF-2159 Bug - Relationship Editor should save the viewport geometry.

RF-1077 Bug - Nested groups are not displayed properly in Relationship Editor.

RF-1076 Bug - When uncollapsing a Group in the Relationship Editor, the text label of its members appears in a wrong place, especially the first time.

RF-1056 Bug - A vertical black line appears over the top left corner of a group when expanded.

RF-1055 Bug - Artifacts are displayed around groups when moving them around the Relationship Editor.

RF-991 Bug - Hidding a group in the Relationship Editor and unhidding again, it will unhide the nodes inside the group too.


RF-1211 Bug - Sometimes RealFlow crashes when clicking on the Input/Output section of the retimer if the scene file export is enabled on Export Central.

RF-866 Bug - Retimer should work with unsimulated binary loaders.

RF-838 Bug - When only the scene is being exported, the default settings of the retimer exclude them of the result.

SD read/write

RF-1888 Bug - Animation coming from a SD file and exported using Cinema4D is wrong.

RF-1868 Bug - RealFlow is not able to update the sd if we lost the network conection.

RF-1119 Bug - Multibodies doesn't update with Update SD option.

RF-1020 Bug - Polygons are bad displayed on geometry but not in Maxwell (see images and video attached)

RF-994 Bug - Exporting SD or animation.SD for an object, is overwritten even though it is in Cache mode.

RF-989 Bug - Animation SD and BDC are not read properly when a dynamic object is in Cache mode.

RF-959 Bug - Changing the topology for a SD from a 3D program and doing reset, the object dissapear in RealFlow.

RF-720 Bug - Including an object to collision with sph particles in the middle of the simulation changes its original position. There is not any Dynamic object.


RF-2304 Bug - Dragging a piece of Python code from a Script Editor to a shelf removes the code from the editor. It can be brought back with CTRL+Z

Shelves Manager

RF-2022 Bug - Up and down keyboard arrows do not let you move along the content of the shelves/commands list in the Shelves Manager. (Mac OS X)

Simulation Flow architecture

RF-899 Bug - Particles created at the same frame (or last substep) cannot be removed from "Simulation Flow".

Simulation Flow window

RF-2158 Bug - Simulation Flow Graphs should save the viewport geometry.

RF-2034 Bug - Script files on Simulation Flow don't show any error when the file is missing.

Simulation Graph

RF-1145 Bug - Exploding a Compound might put the nodes inside mixed with the existing ones at the current level. At least those nodes should remain selected for their repositioning.

RF-1141 Bug - Removing a standard emitter node during simulation (via scripting or graph) crashes RealFlow.

Spline emitter

RF-1721 Bug - @CP rotation for DSSpline emitter is working bad when simulating.

RF-1422 Bug - XML export and import of animated DSpline and Spline Emitter control points is not possible.

User interface

RF-2237 Bug - Display Slice Plane for geometries is painting geometry subdivisions.

RF-2229 Bug - Viewport is doing something weird when manipulating the view.

RF-2035 Bug - Particles as spheres are painted in different sizes when displaying in perspective and front, side views.

RF-1332 Bug - RealFlow is crashing when creating a folder and it can't be created.

RF-981 Bug - Statistic Panel not showing Existent/Emitted info on HY-SPH elements

Video preview

RF-1082 Bug - Viewport behind previous window is updating when making a video preview.

XML import/export

RF-2187 Bug - Saving xml backups shows messages "Error trying to get parameter: xxx"

RF-1422 Bug - XML export and import of animated DSpline and Spline Emitter control points is not possible.

RF-1158 Bug - Importing a RealWave via XML on a scene that already has one doesn´t work as expected when overwriting