Lightwave - Version history

Version 2.7.6 - April 25th


  • the FIRE panel supports camera navigation
  • Maxwell image adjustments can be previewed interactively in the adjustments panel
  • grouped lights which have the same parameter values show up as a single slider in Multilight
  • MXS files can be exported directly from Modeler (only geometry and materials, no cameras, environment settings etc.)
  • stereo cameras are exported as two Maxwell cameras, one for each eye
  • the LW images directory is added to the search paths used by Maxwell at render time
  • send job to network supports animations
  • updated ranges for grass parameters to match Studio


  • hiding or showing an object did not refresh FIRE
  • importing materials with the library or gallery browser didn't work in some cases
  • the plug-in was making the LW viewport very slow under some circumstances
  • wrong names for exported objects under some circumstances