Spline : Emission

Spline : Emission

This emitter creates particles and moves them through a force field along a customizable path. Emitters define the point of particle creation in 3D space only, while the particles are part of the domain. Here is how to create and edit such an emitter:

  • Create a spline with Cinema 4D's built-in tools.

  • Drag the spline to the “Spline Object” entry.

  • To change the path's shape, change to “Point” mode and shift the points.

Very nice effects can be achieved with animated splines, e.g. a "Cycloid" with an animated "End Angle".

The parameters are subdivided into two groups:



Emitter Type

Toggle the emitter type with this drop-down menu. The following parameters and the viewport representation will be updated according to your selection. Bear in mind that type changes will change the emitter's and fluid's behaviour completely.

Spline Object

Drag the spline object to this slot and convert it into an emitter. You need one emitter per spline.


Here are your options:

  • "Axis". The particles are created along the spline's path similar to a curtain. Emission direction is indicated in the viewport through small arrows at the spline's control points. This direction can be changed with "Rotation" (see "Control" below).
  • "Tube" The particles are created along the spline's path. The fluid tube's thickness is defined through the circles at each control point. As with "Axis", emission direction is indicated through small arrows.
  • "Edge". The particles are created at the first control point and moved along the spline through customizable forces. The first point's circle represents the area of emission.

Here the particles' initial speed is defined. Higher values will generate more particles per frame. Faster particles act with stronger forces on other particles or objects. The number of emitted particles also depends on the fluid's → “Resolution” settings. A value of 0.0 stops the emission of particles.


To avoid regular emission, it is possible to randomly displace the particles at creation time. Higher settings create more randomness. This parameter accepts all values between 0 and 50.



Add a new control point after the selected control point.


Delete the selected control point. 

Previous | Next

Click on these buttons for selecting the previous or next control point.


You can change the selected control point's position on the spline with this value, e.g.

  • 0.0. The control point is moved to the spline's start.
  • 0.5. The control point is moved to the spline's midpoint.
  • 1.0. The control point is moved to the spline's end.

The circle around a control point indicates the forces' scope or radius. Only particles inside the viewport's circles will be affected. The circles' sizes can be controlled with this parameter or the viewport gizmo.


When the emitter is in "Axis" or "Tube" mode it is possible to define different emission speed values for every control point separately:

  • 0 stops the creation of particles at this control point.
  • The adjusted is value will be multiplied with the global "Speed" value under "Emission".
  • The parameter is connected to Cinema 4D's scale settings.

Every control point has an arrow, indicating the fluid's emission direction in "Axis" and "Tube" mode. By entering a positive degree value this emission direction can be changed. It is also possible to change direction with the viewport gizmo. To see the effect we recommend activating the "Helper" option.


When enabled the direction and strength of emission is displayed in the viewport. If you change the emitter's parameter, e.g. "Speed" or "Rotation", the gizmo will be updated accordingly.

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