Ask : Install and License

Ask : Install and License

What are the restrictions of the Demo Edition?

It shows a reminder window every time you save your scene. Besides that the demo version is a full and unrestricted version of the plugin.

Where are the license file(s) stored?

You will find the license under


What is the "Hostid" and where do I find it?

The Hostid is also called MAC address and it is a unique hardware code. "Unique" means that it is different for every computer. RealFlow | 3ds Max uses this address to create its node-locked license.

Just visit the  "Hostid" page to see where to find it.

I don't have a "Hostid". What can I do?

The Hostid is mandatory for the creation of your license and without this unique code it is not possible to use RealFlow | 3ds Max. To make your computer usable with RealFlow | 3ds Max you have to purchase and install a network card.

Do I need an internet connection to license RealFlow | 3ds Max?

Yes, because the license validation is done via our licensing servers.

Once I have my license, do I still need an internet connection to run RealFlow | 3ds Max?

No. Once the license is created is copied in your system, we do not have to check it anymore. However, the online help system is located on our severs and to access these pages an internet connection is required.

I get an error during the licensing process. What does the error mean?

We have compiled a → list with the most common errors. If your error is not included please → contact us directly for assistance.

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