To become familiar with these settings, it is useful to create a job out of RealFlow with → “Send to job manager”, and open it with → “Edit Job”. There you will find all required settings and you can use them as an orientation your own jobs.

File Path

This field specifies the path to the FLW or RFS file which will be used for the current network simulation.

Path | Linux | Windows | Mac Prefix

These four fields carry → rules for distributing drives and folders in your network, and making them available for RealFlow.


Old, no longer used files will be deleted after the simulation.


If you want to shift the job to a workgroup please choose one from the drop-down menu.

Hold Job

With this option you can delay the execution of the new job. To start a job a node must meet all of the following requirements:


If the job contains → IDOCs you have to create one job per IDOC. An IDOC's name is found in RealFlow's → “Nodes” panel.

First Frame | Last Frame

Please define a simulation range here.


Here, the number of threads used for the job is specified.

Mesh Particles

If you want to perform a mesh job only please enable this checkbox. Please activate “Use Cache” as well.

Maxwell Render

If you want to trigger a preview render instead of a simulation please activate this feature.

Use Cache

This option has to be active for meshing jobs.

RealFlow 201X required

Here you can bind a simulation to RealFlow 201X. All simulation nodes must share exactly the same version number.


Restores the previous settings


A click on this button passes your settings to the manager. You will probably have to press → “Reload” in the web-interface to make the changes visible.