Camera Tab

Maxwell Render renders the active formZ view. To construct a Maxwell camera, the plugin obtains the eye point, center of interest, and focal length from the formZ View Parameters (double-click on a view in the views palette). The resolution and pixel aspect ratio are obtained from the Camera View settings in View Parameters if these are in use; if not, the values specified in Display > Image Options... are used instead.

The Maxwell simulates a number of additional properties of physical cameras, and as such requires several parameters not found in formZ. These are specified though the Camera Tab. The options here will apply to all views/cameras rendered within the associated window. Maxwell Render options are also stored on a per-scene basis, so if you need a different set of camera parameters, create a new formZ Scene in the Scenes palette.

A Note on the 2D-Perspective View Type

Maxwell fully supports 3-Point Perspective, Orthographic, and Axonometric view types. However, the plugin must approximate formZ "2D Perspective" views with Maxwell's Shift Lens. Due to inherent differences between "2D Perspective" and "Shift Lens," this does not provide an identical match, but rather a starting point for cropping, which can be readily refined in Fire.


To experiment with the depth of field, produce any satisfactory exposure, then enable EV lock. Enable Maxwell Fire and adjust the f-stop until you find a depth of field the suits your purposes.


In most cases, you will NOT want to select the checkbox next to the three Simulens settings described above. Doing so adds unnecessary processing time to each sampling level update, and increases RAM usage during rendering. Instead, wait until the render has reached an acceptable SL for viewing the Simulens effect, stop the render, apply a Simulens effect to give you an idea of its influence, then disable Simulens again and resume the render. For adding Simulens effects to a range of MXI files after the render is completed, use File>MXI Batch Processing.