The Checker Procedural generates an infinite regular chess pattern with custom control over the repetition and colors, that can be used as color texture or in grey scale as a bump, displacement, weight map or mask texture.
Examples of the Checker procedural in use, both as color texture (left) and as mask texture (middle and right)
Checker Procedural parameters
- Blending Factor: Blend percentage of the current procedural with the result of the procedurals below in the stack.
- Number of elements in U and V: Defines the number of squares in horizontal and vertical direction that compose the sample tile.
- Color 0 and 1: Defines the colors for the squares. Uses black, white or grey tones when the checker is used as a mask texture.
- Transition sharpness: Defines the sharpness/blurriness of the squares transition. Values vary from 0.0 to get a blurry transition up to 1.0 for a crisp sharp transition.
The Checker procedural parameters panel