Next Limit promises a speed boost of 2x in RealFlow 10, but in my tests it's even slower. Why?
The speed improvement is only noticeable in large simulations. A very good benchmark is the following scene Demo scenes > Hybrido > Hybrido Uboat.
With this project we got a speed bump of exactly 2x on our reference system (Intel Core i7-2600K @ 3.40 GHz):
- The fact that you see increasing simulation times with small Hybrido projects is that our large scale fluid technology is optimized for huge amounts of particles.
- Furthermore, Hybrido is based on sparse OpenVDB grids and with small amounts of particles it takes some time to write these files.
- In previous versions we provided the possibility of writing very fast, but memory-inefficient, dense grids. This option is no longer available.
Is it possible to mix Hybrido fluids with Dyverso or standard particle fluids?