To render out meshes with motion blur you can use Cinema 4D's physical render engine, or any other supported renderer (except Maxwell Render). With Cinema 4D's standard renderer Advanced Render you have to activate sub-frame motion blur:
Particles cannot be rendered by default, and they always need an at least one object attached (see → "Particle Rendering"). Currently it is not possible to control motion blur strength in conjunction with particles/render instancesThese instances support motion blur.
Rigid and Elastic
Both deformer types do not support motion blur at the momentMotion blur with these deformer requires cached geometry with "Point Level Animation" (PLA). Take a look at the → "Caching Rigids and Elastics" page for a workflow description.
Thinking Particles
RealFlow | Cinema 4D's particles can be turned into → Thinking Particles under Fluid > Particles. These These converted particles contain the original velocity information for motion blur effects: