Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Select a node and open a parameter in its “Node Params” panel.
  • Drag the timeline slider to the first animation frame.
  • Click on the circle – it will become a red dot (= key).
  • Drag the timeline slider to the next/last frame. The dot turns into a circle again (= no key).
  • Change the parameter's value or shift/rotate/scale the node.
  • Click on the red circle again to set the next key.


  • Select a node and open a parameter in its “Node Params” panel.
  • Drag the timeline slider to the first animation frame.
  • Right-click on the white circle and choose “Add Key” – it will become a red dot (= key).
  • Drag the timeline slider to the next/last frame. The dot turns into a circle again (= no key).
  • Change the parameter's value or shift/rotate/scale the node.
  • Right-click on the red circle again to set the next key.


  • Select a node and open a parameter from its “Node Params” → “Node Paramspanel.
  • Right-click on the parameter and choose “Edit Curve...”. The “Curve Editor” → “Curve Editorappears.
  • Double-click on a free area of the canvas to create a key.
  • Set the exact frame and parameter value with the two input fields (see image).
  • Repeat this process until all frames are set.


  • Click on a red dot – it will become a circle.
  • Choose “Remove Current Key” from the dot's right-click menu. In order to delete the entire animation key, choose “Remove Curve”.
  • Select a key in the “Curve Editor” and hit the Del key.
  • In order to delete the entire animation curve, choose “Remove Curve”.


Instead of setting key it is also possible to animate a value with a formula or a condition:

  • RightEnter the expression to the appropriate parameter field,e.g. =2+sin(t*3)*2.5 (mind the = operator!)
  • Alternatively, right-click on the circle and choose “Edit Curve...”
  • Go Then, go to the empty line at the bottom of the appearing “Curve Editor” and enter the → expression, e.g. 2+sin(t*3)*2.5

  • You will see that the circle turned green and has two black lines.
  • Click on the parameter's "+" symbol to open the slider section. There you will find green dots for every expression-driven parameter.
  • Right-click on the green dot and choose “Show Expression”. Now it is possible to edit the expression in the parameter's field without having to use the “Curve Editor”→ “Curve Editor.
  • Switch back to the current value with “Show Value” from the right-click menu.


When you right-click on a circle/dot choose “Edit Curve...” to open the “Curve Editor”→ “Curve Editor. There you can

  • create, delete, position, and refine keys
  • (multi-)select keys and copy/past them to other curves
  • extend curves
  • change the key type to → linear, TCB, Bezier, stepped or combinations of all modes (A)
  • break, unify, and flatten tangents (B)
  • change the curvature, create ease-in and ease-out effects
  • add → expressions.