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Depending on whether you work in Maxwell Studio or via a plugin, the steps may differ slightly but the principles remain the same - Maxwell Scatter is applied as a property to the object.  Please see your plugin documentation for details.  For Maxwell Studio, the procedure is:


This number is used to generate the random distribution of the instances. If you use several Scatter extensions on the same object, make sure the seed number is different for all of them to produce a totally different random distribution and avoid several instances being placed in the same location. 




This option automatically removes the overlapped instances to ensure a distribution without collisions or overlaps.




Image Added

Enabling the Remove
Overlaps option (left) ensures none of the instances are overlapping in the final distribution (right)

Scale parameters

Scale X, Y and Z


Randomizes the orientation of each individual instance, specifying the range of possible rotation values as a percentage of the nominal Rotation parameter. For example if Rotation Y is set to 180º and Rotation Y Variation parameter is set to 50%, the orientation in Y of the generated instances will be randomized between 90º and 270º. 

Grow Towards World-Y

This percentage allows you to modify the direction of the Y-axis (up) of the scattered objects:

  • Perpendicular to the surface when set to 0%
  • World-Y axis (up) when set to 100%

Level of Detail parameters



A note on memory consumption

It is important to be aware of the RAM consumption when generating replicas of objects automatically, otherwise it is easy to produce much more objects than your computer can handle - for instance,  if you have an object (i.e. a tree) composed of 8000 objects and use MaxwellScatter to distribute 27000 replicas of the tree object across a landscape, internally the system must generate more than 216 million objects, which can hang your computer if you don't have enough RAM . If instead the tree object is merged and left as just 25 objects, the system can handle the scene without problems and the result will be the same.