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The "hostid" is required for the node-locked and floating licenses. With this Id your final licenses will be created, so please make sure that you are using the correct one, because it is different for every computer. Once the Id has been added to your license it cannot be changed anymore – this process is final. In the “Customer Gateway” of RealFlow's website you have to enter the “hostid” and claim your license file. The file will be stored on your computer and can use the wizard again to install it.

When your copy of RealFlow is unlicensed you can , open the " Licensing Wizard", for example. There you You will see an entry called : "I want to find the hostid of this machine" . Click on it to see the Id Selecting this will show you the id for the computer where on which RealFlow is currently running.

Using the Terminal for Different Computers

To get the "hostid" from a different computer, go to the "rlm" folder of the RealFlow installation:


WindowWindowsProgram Files/Next Limit/RealFlow 2014/rlm
Linux"rlm" folder of your RealFlow installation

Applications/RealFlow 2014/rlm


There you will find the "rlmhostid" application. You can copy it to the computer from which you want to know the "hostid".   To To get the Id, a terminal application (e.g. Command Prompt, Bash,Terminal) is required. Use the "cd" command to browse to the directory where the program has been stored, for example under "Downloads"

WindowWindowscd /Documents and Settings/User name/Downloads
Linuxcd /User name/Downloads

cd "/User name/Downloads"


Now, enter the following command:


Windowsrlmhostid -ether
Linux./rlmhostid -ether
OS X./rlmhostid -ether


You will see a terminal message providing the required host Id - here a screenshot from Windows (the Id in the screenshot is an example and does not represent the actual code):